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The human endocrine system is a complex series of glands and pathways that help hormones travel from one point in our body to another. Think of these hormones like workers in a tiny 11 postal service. Their function is to deliver messages. For example, when you’re young, they deliver the message that it’s time for your body to grow. After you grow old, they start delivering the less 12 message that it’s time for your body to shrink. The endocrine system is responsible for your growth, 13 , and tissue function. It even affects whether you’re feeling happy or sad. What happens when something starts 14 with the endocrine system? That’s what scientists around the world are currently trying to figure out. They are studying the chemicals that block our body’s biological postal 3 service. These endocrine disruptors are synthetic chemicals that humans have created. They have seeped into natural environments all around the world. Endocrine disruptors are known to harm living 15 and they have been linked to cancer and other reproductive 16 in humans. Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, or DDT, is a classic example of a synthetic chemical that is an endocrine disruptor. It was 17 in the United States in 1972 after it was discovered that DDT caused birds to lay eggs with soft shells. DDT also harms human health. It is still being used in some parts of Africa. The World Health Organization (WHO) has released several reports outlining the threat that endocrine disruptors pose to wildlife. These reports show that mammals, reptiles, birds, and fish species are suffering from altered gender ratios, reproductive 18 , and growth disorders. However, the results aren’t totally conclusive. Currently, there are so many pollutants in natural environments that it’s difficult for these studies to determine what is and isn’t being caused by endocrine disruptors. Only studies that have been 19 in laboratories have proven that endocrine disruptors can harm humans. So far, there have been no conclusive studies linking human disease to endocrine disruptors that already exist in our environment. However, several studies have proven that endocrine disruptors are 20 impacting mammal species in their natural habitats. Since humans are mammals, doesn’t that mean that we’re in trouble, too? (AB). interfering (AC). metabolism (AD). biological (AE). negatively (BC). uplifting (BD). conducted (BE). disabilities (CD). deficiencies (CE). organisms (DE). banned

難度: 困難
Joyce Lin (2015/05/08)

Their function is to deliver messages. For example, when you’re young, they deliver the message that it’s time for your body to grow. After you grow old, they start delivering the less 12 message that it’s time for your body to shrink.

 (BC). uplifting 

uplifting a. 形容詞  令人振奮的;使人開心的

 shrink 收縮,縮短,皺縮

The human endocrine system is a complex ..-阿摩線上測驗