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        The original Monopoly, which came out in 1935, almost did not make it to market. In the 1930s when the economy in the US was pretty bad, Charles B. Darrow of German-town, Pennsylvania, showed a game he called Monopoly to the manager at Parker Brothers. Parker Brothers  41  the game at first, pointing out "fifty-two design errors." But Mr. Darrow did not give up.  42  many other Americans, he was unemployed at the time, and his dream that the game could bring his fame and fortune gave him the idea to produce it on his own. 
        With help from a friend who was a printer, Mr. Darrow sold five thousand handmade sets of the game to a Philadelphia department store. People loved it! But as the requests grews, he couldn't  43  all the oders and went to talk to Parker Brothers again. This time he met with success. During its first year on the market, Monopoly was the best-selling game in America. And  44  its sixty-five-year history, about five hundred million people have played the game. It is the best-selling board game in the world,  45  in eighty countries and produced in twenty-six languages.


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Good+ 大一上 (2013/05/27)
came out 出現pretty bad 相當差point out 指出giv.....觀看完整全文,請先登入
業精於勤,事立於豫 研一下 (2017/09/30)



我愛阿摩,阿摩愛我 (2018/04/17)


陳之 大二上 (2020/12/18)

1935年問世的原始《大富翁》幾乎沒有推向市場。在1930年代,美國經濟形勢不景氣時,賓夕法尼亞州德國鎮的查爾斯·達羅(Charles B. Darrow)向帕克兄弟(​​Parker Brothers)的經理展示了他稱之為大富翁(Monopoly)的遊戲。帕克兄弟最初拒絕了這款遊戲,指出“五十二個設計錯誤”。但是達羅先生沒有放棄。像其他許多美國人一樣,他當時失業,而他夢想著這款遊戲可以帶來名利的夢想使他有了自己製作遊戲的想法。

The original Monopoly, which came out in 1935, almost did not make it to market. In the 1930s when the economy in the US was pretty bad, Charles B. Darrow of German-town, Pennsylvania, showed a game he called Monop...


        The original..-阿摩線上測驗