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There was once a time when all human beings were gods. However, they often took their divinity for granted and _____21_____ abused it. Seeing this, Brahma, the chief god, decided to take their divinity away from them and hide it _____22_____ it could never be found. Brahma called a council of the gods to help him decide on a place to hide the divinity. The gods suggested that they hide it _____23_____ in the earth or take it to the top of the highest mountain. But Brahma thought _____24_____ would do because he believed humans would dig into the earth and climb every mountain, and eventually find it. So, the gods gave up. Brahma thought for a long time and finally decided to hide their divinity in the center of their own being, for humans would never think to _____25_____ it there. Since that time humans have been going up and down the earth, digging, climbing, and exploring—searching for something already within themselves.
(A) close
(B) apart
(C) deep
(D) hard

難度: 非常簡單
林慎貴 高二下 (2016/12/20)


There was once a time when all human bei..-阿摩線上測驗