
To celebrate the end of our exams, my friends and I went to a fast food restaurant. We 26 hamburgers and Coca Cola at the counter. When our 27 came, I started walking towards an empty table By bad luck, my purse strap(带子)got 28 on a chair and the tray(托盘)that I was holding slipped 29 my hands and went flying in the air. The tray, and its contents, 30 on a man who was just about to 31 a bite of his sandwich. I stared, greatly 32 , as the drinks soaked(浸湿) his white shirt. Then I 33 my eyes and prepared myself for his burst of 34 . Instead, he said ” It’s OK” to 35 me before he disappeared into washroom. Still shaky and unsure__36__ to do next, my friends and I went to a table and sat there, trying our best to look___37_ . A moment later, the man came out of the washroom and __38__ our table My heart almost stopped ___39__ . I thought he was going to ask for my father’s ___40__ and call him. To my surprise, he merely smiled at us, handed us some cash and said, “__41__ yourself new hamburgers.” He then walked ___42__ without even finishing his food. He could have made what was already an uncomfortable situation worse, ___43__ he chose a different way and gave us a reason to believe that there is still __44__ in this worl
(D)I’ll never __45__ his actions.

(D)trembling 【 】

To celebrate the end of our exams, my fr..-阿摩線上測驗