
Unlike earlier campaign, the 1960 presidential campaign featured a politically innovative and highly 
influential series of televised debates in the contest between the Republicans and the Democrats.  Debates 
that could be viewed by such a wide audience had never before been part of the presidential campaigns, and 
through these debates, the far-reaching medium of television showed how effective it could be in influencing 
the outcome of an election. 
    The two parties to face off in the election selected very different candidates.  John Kennedy, a young 
senator from Massachusetts without much experience and recognition in national politics, established an 
early lead among democratic hopefuls, and was nominated on the first ballot at the Los Angeles convention 
to be representative of the Democratic party in the presidential elections.  The older and more experienced 
Richard Nixon, then serving as vice president of the United States under Eisenhower, received the 
nomination of the Republican party.  Both Nixon and Kennedy campaigned vigorously throughout the 
country and then took the unprecedented step of appearing in face-to-face debates on television. 
    Experts in the politics of presidential elections contend that the debates were a pivotal force in the 
elections.  In front of a viewership of more than 100 million citizens, Kennedy masterfully overcame 
Nixon’s advantage as the better-known and more experienced candidate and reversed the public perception 
of him as too inexperienced and immature for presidency.  In an election that was extremely close, it was 
perhaps these debates that brought victory to Kennedy. 

【題組】39. The passage states that in the debates with Nixon, Kennedy demonstrated to the American people that he was
(A) more experienced than Nixon.
(B) better known than Nixon.
(C) too inexperienced to serve as president.
(D) qualified enough to be president.

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