
Up to about 250 million years ago the world had just one huge super-continent called Pangaea. Animals were able to move and intermix with __(26)__. About 200 million years ago this super-continent broke up into two continents: Laurasia and Gondwana. About 60 million years ago Gondwana broke up into __(27)__ later became South America, Africa, Antarctica, India and Australia. Since then Australia __(28)__ from the rest of the world by vast oceans. The animals there no longer had __(29)__ with animals from other parts of the world. They evolved separately. As a result, about 95 % of Australia’s mammals and 94 % of its frogs are found __(30)__ else in the world. Australia has lots of very unusual animals.
(A) confusion
(B) marriage
(C) contact
(D) transaction

Up to about 250 million years ago the wo..-阿摩線上測驗