
      Motivated by the rapid growth in Japan's aging population, Lawson Inc., a convenience store retailer in Japan, is now adding clderly care support services to several of its stores. While other convenience store chains have added meal delivery services to target older gcnerations, Lawson Inc. has opened service areas for elderly consumers at nine of its outlets. These stores not only provide a variety of nursing care goods and consultation counters focused on family care, but they also set aside social spaces where senior customers can meet and interact. According to Lawson,their goal is to provide a one-stop service, which satisfies various needs related to nursing care.
      The first store Lawson equipped with an elderly care support service station opened in Kawaguchi, Saitama Prefecture, in April 201S. There, a nursing care specialist is stationed from morning to evening, answering questions on a number of topics, including the insurance system and how to handle problens related to home-based care. In the Kawaguchi outlet, a large part of store shelves are stocked with diapers, vacuum-packed, easy-to-chew meals and other nursing care products. Also, each of the store's refrigerators has had its hinged doors replaced to offer casier access to customers using wheelchairs. On the shopping carts, handle bars and baskets are placed lower than usual for ease of use. 39-year-old Ayako Takahashi is a certified care worker who works as a consultant at the Kawaguchi store.
She said that the store served as something between homes and nursing care centers, and that many aged pcople had got new acquaintances because of their scrvices.
      In fact, many experts have pointed out that convenience stores are a key social resource that provides community-based services around the clock. The welfare ministry in Japan is also paying attention to Lawson's new elderly care support service stations, as the ministry is trying to build up a comprehensive regional care system that will providc a one-stop service covering medicine, care and accommodation. Lawson aims to increase these kinds of outlets to 30 by the end of February 2018, with a focus on urban arcas. Nationwide operations of full-service stores are expected in cight years. With Japan now already a country with more dogs and cats than children under 16, it is very likely that other convenience store chains will soon    follow suit.   

【題組】28. According to the passage, which of the following care-support services is not offered in the store yet?
(A) Social spaces for people to interact.
(B) Facilities for easy access to products.
(C) Job vacancies for aged citizens.
(D) Consultation counters that offer information.

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V.閱讀測驗      Motivated by the rapid growt..-阿摩線上測驗