

V. Reading Comprehension (每題 2 分,共 10 分) 
 ( A ) 
        Scientists, environmentalists and beekeepers, to name a few, are sounding the alarm bells, and they are loud. Yet, no one appears to be taking much notice that the worldwide bee population is rapidly declining. We have heard the stories — repeatedly. From colony collapse disorder to hive abandonment to bee die-off, the humble bumble is under constant threat. While much focus has been on the steady reduction in the number of honeybees, there is also great concern for the fate of wild bees. 
        A well-known ecologist Brenda Van Ryswyk said recently, “The pollinators are key to maintaining our food sources and there is cause for concern.” 
        “If we lost the wild bees, we would lose all of our flowering plants. If we lost all of our wild pollinators, we would really have a very different landscape,” said Van Ryswyk. 
        There is no one simple explanation for the decline in bees. Experts point to pesticides, loss of habitat, climate change, types of crops grown, parasites and foreign species among other things. 
        “In previous farming practices, farmers used to have a lot of hedgerows with a lot of wildflowers and shrubs that grew. That area was prime habitat for bumblebees and wild bees to nest in,” says Van Ryswyk. “A lot of farms these days feel it’s more efficient to clear those away and have more of a factory farm.” In Canada, the bee population has dropped by an estimated 35 percent in the past three years, according to the Canadian Honey Council. 
        There is something, however, homeowners can do to assist the species. Perhaps Burlington residents could lead the way in providing habitat for wild bees. In your garden, plant native flowers that provide nectar and pollen. Encourage nesting areas using old branches and twigs. Also, many of us have become too sterile in our planting practices. No longer can it be about aesthetics; it needs to be about nature’s survival. The bee population is key to that.

【題組】33. What can local people do to help the bee population?
(A) Buy more honey
(B) Plant more native flowers.
(C) Set up more factory farms.
(D) Replace traditional hedgerows with brick walls.

V. Reading Comprehension (每題 2 分,共 10 分)..-阿摩線上測驗