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We think of curry as an Indian dish, but it is popular all over the world. Many countries have their own version of curry. You can find curry in Asia, Australia, and Europe, but the ingredients and flavor can be very different. All of these dishes called “curries” are made of complicated combinations of herbs and spices, usually including one or two types of chilies.
British sailors introduced curry to Japan over 100 years ago. Now, it is one of the country’s favorite dishes. On average, Japanese people eat rice with curry for about sixty-two times a year. Japanese curry is quite mild. It is usually made of onions, carrots, potatoes, and meat. Unlike in India, where curry is normally vegetarian, the Japanese often add beef or pork to their curry.
Thailand has its own kind of curries. The Thais like to use chilies, limes, coconuts, and a lot of local spices, so their curries can be very hot and spicy. Their curries are known for their color. Red curries use red chilies, and green curries use green chilies. Yellow curries are usually made with coconut milk and are much creamier.
Pakistani curries are usually dry, and are very different depending on the part of the country. They usually include meat, often beef. A normal lunch or dinner in Pakistan includes curry and bread. One of the most popular curries includes garlic, ginger, chilies and tomatoes.
As curry spreads to more countries, and people add their own local flavors and ingredients, it will continue to change.

【題組】42. [ ] Which of the following is NOT an ingredient for curries in the passage?
(A) coconut milk
(B) chilies
(C) black pepper
(D) beef.

難度: 非常簡單
Lin Tzu Hung 大一下 (2019/09/19)
Japanese curry is qu☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆. ...

蝦皮:警察法規白話解題 國三上 (2019/01/15)




We think of curry as an Indian dish, but..-阿摩線上測驗