
When the federal government announced last week that youth e-cigarette use tripled in just one year, surpassing the use of traditional cigarettes, the reaction was appropriately strong. “A wake-up call,” said one commentator, ___1___others. E-cigarettes have so far escaped federal regulation and are being promoted using the same playbook cigarette companies have used to ___2___ generations of teenagers. These marketing tactics include celebrity endorsements, slick TV and magazine ads that portray e-cigarette use ___3___ glamorous or masculine, sponsorships of race cars and music festivals and the use of sweet flavors like gummy bear and cotton candy. The Food and Drug Administration has been empowered to regulate all tobacco products since 2009. Six years later, there is still ___4___ on the books governing e-cigarettes. Although a proposed regulation is wending its way through the bureaucracy, it is unclear ___5___ it will be finalized, or in what form. Leaving these issues unaddressed is a big mistake. The cigarette industry has long understood that ___6___ all new tobacco users in the United States are children and that if it doesn't hook them as kids, it probably never will. We can't let the e-cigarette industry ___7___. Many of us who are veterans of the long, hard fight against the powerful tobacco industry are deeply alarmed by the rapid rise in youth use of e-cigarettes, and our nation's health regulators should ___8___ as well. From the "Mad Men" era on, we as a nation fought to ___9.___ cigarette smoking. It worked. In the last 15 years, the smoking rate for high school students fell by 67 percent to a record low 9.2 percent. It's still an open question whether e-cigarettes area pathway to other tobacco products or may help adult smokers protect their health ___10____. But we should be able to agree on one thing: Kids should not use e-cigarettes or any tobacco product. We cannot afford to waste more time while the tobacco industry addicts another generation of kids.
(A) criticize
(B) crystallize
(C) commercialize
(D) deglamorize

難度: 適中
Joyce Lin (2015/05/09)

From the "Mad Men" era on, we as a nation fought to ___9.___ cigarette smoking. It worked. In the last 15 years, the smoking rate for high school students fell by 67 percent to a record low 9.2 percent.

(A) criticize  批評;批判;苛求;非難[(+for)]

(B) crystallize  結晶,形成結晶體

(C) commercialize 使商業化;供應市場  使商品化

(D) deglamorize :to remove the glamour from 

        (glamour   魅力,誘惑力)

When the federal government announced la..-阿摩線上測驗