
When the steamship Sully sailed from France for New York on 1 October 1832, one of the passengers on board was Samuel F. B. Morse. He was an artist. He had just spent three weeks in Europe visiting art galleries and painting pictures. Now he was returning to New York. He planned to paint a great historical picture. On the trip , Morse heard one of the passengers, Charles T. Jackson, talk about an electromagnet he had with him. Electromagnets were very new then. At university , Morse had been interested in electricity and magnetism. It is not surprising that he was interested in the new kind of magnet. One day someone onboard asked Jackson how long it took electricity to flow through his magnet. Jackson answered that electricity went so fast that it took almost no time at all. Morse then suggested that so fast a traveler might be used to carry messages. He set to work at once on this idea. By the time he landed in New York, Morse had the plan for the telegraph well worked out. As he left the boat , he turned to the captain and said, “Well, Captain, should you hear of the telegraph one of these days as the wonder of the world, remember that the discovery was made on the good ship Sully.” Morse spent all his spare time on his new idea. The work was not easy because he had to do everything by hand. It was hard to buy even bare copper wire. But at last, in 1835, he finished the first telegraph set. It worked well.
【題組】Which word in the following best describes Morse’s feeling when he mentioned the telegraph to the Captain?
(A) relaxed
(B) confident
(C) suspicious
(D) disappointed

When the steamship Sully sailed from Fra..-阿摩線上測驗