
▲下篇短文共有 5 個空格,為第 22-26 題,請依短文文意,選出一個最適合
      When traveling abroad, it is always important to follow the local customs. Here are some
tips to make sure you don’t upset someone on your travels. For example, if you have dinner at a
friend’s house in Germany, be polite enough to eat everything,    22    the host will think you
didn’t enjoy the meal. In Korea, while taking public transport, passengers should always keep
quiet. Being noisy    23   to be very rude. When visiting Saudi Arabia, be sure to eat with
your right hand because most people there use their left hand for the bathroom. In Pakistan, you
don’t want to be    24    . This is because guests are expected to be fifteen minutes late for a
meal.    25   , if you are visiting a friend’s house in Denmark, don’t be late. People in
Denmark think it is impolite to be late. With so many different customs    26    the world, it is
impossible to know them all. If you mistakenly upset someone, make sure to say sorry.

(A) around
(B) beyond
(C) during
(D) under

難度: 非常簡單

倒數 1天 ,已有 1 則答案
nomi 高二上 (2021/06/15):

When traveling abroad, it is always important to follow the local customs. Here are some tips to make sure you don’t upset someone on your travels. For example, if you have dinner at a friend’s house in Germany, be polite enough to eat everything,    (22)or  the host will think you didn’t enjoy the meal. In Korea, while taking public transport, passengers should always keep quiet. Being noisy    (23)is considered   to be very rude. When visiting Saudi Arabia, be sure to eat with your right hand because most people there use their left hand for the bathroom. In Pakistan, you don’t want to be  (24)on time . This is because guests are expected to be fifteen minutes late for a meal. (25)In contrast   , if you are visiting a friend’s house in Denmark, don’t be late. People in Denmark think it is impolite to be late. With so many different customs  (26)around    the world, it is impossible to know them all. If you mistakenly upset someone, make sure to say sorry.

在國外旅行時,遵守當地習俗總是很重要的。 這裡有一些提示,可確保您不會在旅途中惹惱他人。 例如,如果您在德國的朋友家吃飯,請禮貌地吃所有東西,否則主人會認為您不喜歡這頓飯。 在韓國,乘坐公共交通工具時,乘客應始終保持安靜。 吵鬧被認為是非常粗魯的。 訪問沙特阿拉伯時,一定要用右手吃飯,因為那裡的大多數人都用左手上廁所。 在巴基斯坦,你不想準時。 這是因為客人用餐預計會遲到十五分鐘。 相比之下,如果你去丹麥拜訪朋友家,千萬不要遲到。 丹麥人認為遲到是不禮貌的。 世界上有這麼多不同的習俗,要全部了解它們是不可能的。 如果您錯誤地惹惱了某人,請務必說聲抱歉。

(A) around

around the world



English is spoken by many people around the world. 世界各地有許多人講英語。

His greatest dream is to travel around the world. 他的最大夢想是環遊世界。


▲下篇短文共有 5 個空格,為第 22-26 題,請依短文文意,選出一個最適合該..-阿摩線上測驗