⑴英翻中:請將下列英文短文翻譯成順暢的中文(30 分)
Taiwan is a fascinating country providing admirable natural beauty and bicycle riding
in a diverse way. With breathtaking scenery, exquisite cultural heritage, urban riding
and plenty of off-road bike experiences to enjoy, cyclists can enjoy a uniquely
rewarding cycling holiday throughout Taiwan. Though being only 400 km. long,
Taiwan has a surprising variety of eco zones. There are more than 100 peaks over 3,000
meters in the Central Mountain Range, the spectacular Taroko Gorge, access to the
Pacific, and sprawling fertile farmlands stretching from Chiayi to the southern tip of
Taiwan. It is for this reason that the Portuguese sailors, while sailing through the Pacific
in 1542, spotted the island. Being overwhelmingly amazed at the forest-cloaked land of
beauty, they thrillingly shouted “Ilha Formosa,” meaning “Beautiful Island.”