
Will AI Replace Human Translators? (標題無需翻譯)
(Source: https://www.getblend.com/blog/artificial-intelligence-changing-the-translation-services-industry/)

Artificial intelligence has revolutionized the language translation sector. However, even the most advanced artificial intelligence translation services aren't going to force human translators out of a job anytime soon. In fact, AI has redefined the sector, bringing exciting new job prospects and career opportunities for translation professionals.

Admittedly, AI has made machine translation tools far more reliable in recent years. However, AI still has some ways to go to overcome issues with context, colloquialisms, and tone of voice. In short, artificial intelligence translates text to a point, but it still struggles when it comes to the nuances of language.

Artificial intelligence translation also brings significant cost and time savings. When it comes to large datasets, AI and neural machine translation are the only way to go. However, human intervention is still essential to ensure first-rate results.

Ultimately, even if artificial intelligence is used to handle translations, there's still a crucial role for human translators. The process operates similarly to transcreation, with flesh-and-bone writers needed to ensure tone and intent are present in the final results. One thing is sure — AI translation, our future, very much needs real humans.

Electric cars are not the future (標題無需翻譯)
(Source: https://www.ft.com/content/61adc32b-6ce0-4a25-b010-e205a0e5db44)

We know that some vehicle is going to replace the combustion-engine car. The EU, UK, California and several other US states will ban sales of new petrol and diesel cars by 2035, with the phasing out starting much earlier. So what will most drivers shift to? Will they take up electric cars — in effect, just a cleaner version of what they already had — or switch modes of transport altogether?

Electric cars' biggest downside is the upfront price — currently 30 or 40 per cent higher than for combustion vehicles. Electric vehicles (EVs) may simply be too expensive to expose to the daily vicissitudes of city streets.