

       Using the intercity passenger travel data collected in Taiwan area, thisresearch explores the effect of income on mode choice. First, indirect utilityfunctions were derived based on micro-economic theory to show the incomeeffect. Then, mode choice models were built using empirical data. Threetypes of models were built; i.e., income effect detection models, expendituremodels that assume the work hours and incomes are fixed, and wage ratemodels that assume variable work hours. The effects of data (statedpreference data versus revealed preference data), travel distance (longdistance versus medium-short distance), and travel purpose (business versusnon-business) on income effect were discussed. Our main conclusions areas follows: 1. The income effect did exist in mode choice behavior of intercitypassenger travel. 2. The trips of different travel distance and different trippurpose had different income effect. 3. The stated preference data were notnecessarily able to reflect income effect. 4. The empirical results ofexpenditure models showed that the income effect existed in mode choicebehavior of business trips, but not in non-business trips. 5. The results ofwage rate models showed that the marginal utility of leisure is greater thanthat of general goods for business trips. But they were not different for non-business trips.