
五、下為一則有關某族群的英文論文研究摘要以及相關照片,閱讀以下資料並回答問題【24 分】。
       The term, `peranakan' refers to a community that traces its lineage to the first waves of Han Chinese settlers who interacted, especially through marriage, with the local people of the Malay Peninsula and Indonesian Archipelago. There are various types of the Peranakans in Malaysia such as the Baba-Nyonya, Chitty, Kristang and other Peranakan Muslims of Indian.
       The Kelantan(northeastern Malaysia) Peranakan Chinese is another unique ethnic group of Peranakans characterised by its mixture of three cultures: the local Malay of Kelantan, Chinese and Thai. Its special culture is reflected in its architecture, language, food, etc. However, this acculturated ethnicity seems to be less appreciated by the younger generation of the Kelantan Peranakan Chinese. One of the reasons is perhaps due to a general perception of the Kelantanese people that label them as cina kampung (rural chinese). To the younger generation may view this term as derogatory, implying that they are not advanced or modern people. The dwindling sense of pride among the younger generation may have resulted in the dying culture of the Kelantan Peranakan Chinese. 6654306af06e0.jpg

【題組】(二)利用英文摘要與照片,嘗試設計一個混合題組(20 分)。
說明:主題幹需參考引文,並自行增補文字及其他資訊、圖表,以中文進行改寫;至少搭配一張照片。須包含四個子題 (至少一題為非選),並附上詳解與評分規準。