
第二題 素養導向評量設計
     Do you know almost half of the people in the world use social media? Many of these people follow influencers to know what is popular and decide what to buy. Influencers talk about things like fashion, travel, or technology. They usually have a lot of followers who trust them and listen to their advice. That's why companies pay influencers to talk about their products. Some influencers can get paid up to $25,000 for just one post! If you want to be one too, here are some tips to help you start.
    First, pick what you know a lot about and what you love talking about as your topic, and focus on it. Then, write an interesting bio that tells people who you are and what you talk about. Make sure your bio can make people want to follow you. And, always remember to post as often as possible. In fact, many influencers post every day. The more you post, the more people will follow you.Besides, use the pictures or comments you post to tell a story. That will catch your followers' attention. What's more, share your posts on different social media, use hashtags   and catchy titles, and make sure people can find them easily. Even the best posts won't matter if no one sees them.
   Becoming an influencer takes time. Follow the tips above, and your followers will grow little by little. Good luck! 
 (Adapted from an article from British Council)667ba9695ea79.jpg667ba994912d3.jpg