
2. Please read the article and answer following questions. (30)

Reducing emissions from aviation (Source: European Commission, 2014)

Aviation is one of the fastest-growing sources of greenhouse gas emissions. The European Union istaking action to reduce aviation emissions in Europe and working with the international community

to develop measures with global reach. Since the start of 2012 emissions from all flights from, toand within the European Economic Area (EEA) - the 28 EU Member States, plus Iceland,Liechtenstein and Norway - are included in the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS).

Like industrial installations covered by the EU ETS, airlines receive tradeable allowances covering a certain level of CO2 emissions from their flights per year. The Commission proposed the inclusion

of aviation in the EU ETS after concluding that this was the most cost-efficient and environmentally effective option for controlling aviation emissions. Its decision was based on the results of a wide~

ranging consultation of stakeholders and the public and analysis of several types of market-based

solutions. Compared with alternatives such as a fuel tax, including aviation in the EU ETS provides

the same environmental benefit at a lower cost to society - or a higher environmental benefit for the

same cost. In addition to market-based measures, operational measures - such as modernising and

improving air traffic management technologies, procedures and systems - also contribute to

reducing aviation emissions.

【題組】c) Please use economic concepts to describe the consequences if no mitigation policy is implemented to reduce the carbon emissions into the air. (5)