
Read the following writing prompt and compose a well-structured three-paragraph essay in accordance with the guidelines specified in the prompt. Refer to any TESOL or learning theories, and incorporate concrete examples to strengthen your points.

Please read the following passage from Baskara (2023) to develop a comprehensive understanding in preparation for the upcoming discussion that you are required to deliver.

The use of ChatGPT in EFL (English as a Foreign Language) writing instruction has gained increased attention due to its potential to provide numerous benefits, contributing to the enhancement of EFL learners' writing proficiency. These benefits include personalized feedback and support, motivating EFL learners through the natural language capabilities offered by OpenAI, and facilitating the development of writing skills. However, the utilization of ChatGPT also introduces several challenges. For instance, ChatGPT may exhibit bias - a phenomenon attributed to the quality and diversity of the text datasets used to train the AI and NLP (Natural Language Processing) technology, as well as the underlying algorithms and models employed by the AI and NLP technology.

[Paragraph 1]
In the first paragraph of your essay, discuss one common challenge faced in traditional writing classes and elaborate on how ChatGPT can successfully tackle and resolve the challenge.

[Paragraph 2]
In the second paragraph, explain your perspective on the integration of ChatGPT into EFL writing instruction by describing the specifics of a 20-minute writing lesson activity. Situate your discussion by providing essential details related to the activity, such as target learners, proficiency levels, writing modes, and other relevant factors that characterize the instructional setting in which ChatGPT is employed in the activity.

[Paragraph 3]
In the third paragraph, describe assessment methods capable of evaluating (i) the developmental progress of the target learners in writing skills resulting from the activity, and (ii) the utilization of ChatGPT by the learners.

Baskara, F. R. (2023). Integrating ChatGPT into EFL writing instruction: Benefits and challenges. International Journal of Education and Learning, 5(1), 44-55.