8. Given the following linear regression model:
Υ₁ = β₁Χ₁+ εᵢ where i = 1, 2, 3, ...., n
(2) Show that the maximum likelihood estimator of β₁ is unbiased. (5%)
(1) Assume that the error terms εᵢ are independent N(0, σ²) and that σ² is known. State the likelihood function for the n sample observations on Y and obtain the maximum likelihood estimator of β₁. Is it the same as the least squares estimator of β₁? (10%)
7. An equipment manufacturer has developed a new electrical product. He
claims that the product has a mean life length of 10,000 hours, with a standard
deviation of 150 hours. A consumer tested 16 random samples of the product
and obtained a mean life length of 9,775 hours. Evaluate at the 0.05 level of
significance whether the life length announcement for the new product is
reliable ? (12%)
150. 製作麵包有時要翻麵(punching),下列那一項與翻麵的好處無關? (A)使麵糰內部溫度均勻(B)更換空氣,促進酵母發酵(C)縮短攪拌 時間(D)促進麵筋擴展,增加麵筋氣體保留性。
149. 煮牛奶布丁餡產生結粒原因為(A)爐火太大(B)爐火太小(C)粉與水 拌不均勻(D)粉類太少。
148. 在沒有空調的室內做麵包時,中間發酵時間,很容易受氣候影響,若要 控制中間發酵的溫度和濕度,下列那一項最適當?(A)35℃、85% (B)20℃、85%(C)28℃、75~80%(D)38℃、85%。
This is a large modal.