4. The symmetric two-rod truss of Fig. 4 is subjected to a force P to the right at Point C. Each of the two identical rods has a cross sectional area of 100 cm², a moment of inertia of 50 cm⁴ for its section, and is made of elastic-perfectly plastic steel with a modulus of elasticity of 200 GPa and a yielding stress of 200 MPa. The length of Rods BC and DC are both 5 meters. (25%)
2) What is the maximum value of P? Why can't it be larger?
1) If P = 1000 kN, what is the displacement at Point C, including both the magnitude and direction?
3. Consider a cylindrical pressure vessel subjected to internal pressure p and an external axial force F. The vessel has an inner radius r and thickness t (r >> t). The magnitude of the external axial force F is 3πr²p. Three electrical resistance strain gages are placed on the outer surface of the vessel in the manner shown in Figures 3.1 and 3.2 to measure strains. Gages A, B and C measure the extensional strains εa, εb and εc in the directions of lines Oa, Ob and Oc, respectively. (25%)
2) If εb=3εc, find the value of Poisson's ratio v for the material of the vessel.
100. 醫療機構得於該收費上限內,依其實際狀況及需求,訂定細部收費標準並送哪一單位核定? (A)送衛生福利部核定 (B)送健保署核定 (C)送國健局核定 (D)送衛生局核定
99. 在美國及我國 DRG 主要之分類基礎為何?
98. 比較各國醫療費用支出之合理性常以醫療保健支出占該國何種指標比率?
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