Panic disorder, a complex anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent panic attacks, represents a poorly understood psychiatric condition which is associated with significant morbidity and an increased risk of suicide attempts and completed suicide. Recently however, neuroimaging and panic provocation challenge studies have provided insights into the pathoetiology of panic phenomena and have begun to elucidate potential neural mechanisms that may underlie panic attacks.
7. Both innate and adaptive immunity are critical for combating the infections of pathogens. Please compare and contrast innate and adaptive immunity concerning specificity, diversity and components.Dr. Lee recently identified a new type of immune cells. Please help him design two experiments to determine if this cell either belongs to the innate or adaptive immune system.
第 36-40 題為題組
吉利是四年級的學生,被成大兒童精神科醫師診斷為注意力缺陷過動/衝動症,並需要服用相關藥物。服藥後,他的午餐食 量有所減少。在普通班的課堂上,吉利經常未舉手就發言或打斷老師的講課,平均每堂課會發生 12 次以上。此外,他在下 課後與同學玩遊戲時,因為動作過大,常常不小心讓其他同學受傷;當他想加入遊戲時,往往沒有等待他人的同意,也沒有 遵守遊戲規則,這導致其他同學的不滿。導師對於吉利在課堂或是下課的表現感到非常困擾,然而,吉利的學科表現平均在90 分以上,在學科的學習沒有明顯的困難。
40.請就吉利下課想加入遊戲的狀況,就行為功能評量,指出「沒有等待他人」這個行為問題的功能: (A)獲得玩遊戲、(B)獲得體能發洩、(C)獲得情緒發現、(D)獲得同儕的抱怨
39.請就吉利下課想加入遊戲的狀況,就行為功能評量,指出「沒有等待他人」這個行為問題的前事: (A)衝動過度、(B)沒有服藥、(C)對同學不滿、(D)看到同儕在玩遊戲
38.假設吉利通過台南市鑑輔會的情緒行為障礙鑑定,身為特教教師的你,要如何提供服務呢? 甲:吉利沒有學科的困難,提供普通班教師諮詢服務即可 乙:針對吉利的行為表現,安排社會技巧課程 丙:因為吉利有注意力缺陷過動/衝動症,請其同儕多包容 (A)甲、(B)乙、(C)丙、(D)乙丙
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