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1.Hord 在各階段所提概念大同小異,然 Hord 於 School Professional Staff as Learning Community Survey( 1997)所倡導的「教師專業學習社群」重要概念包括(1) 共享領導;(2)共享願景;(3)集體學習;(4)共享教學實務;(5)支持情境,目前仍廣 為國內外學者所引用,另有關「智性啟發」(intellectual stimulation)則為 Bass 與 Avolio(2002)所倡導「轉型領導」的重要概念。 2.題目中概念及名詞引用相關資料來源為: Hord, S. M. (1997). Professional learning communities: Communities of continuous inquiry and improvement. Austin, TX: Southwest Educational Development Laboratory. Mawhinney, H. B., Haas, J., & Wood, C. (2005). Teachers’ perceptions of collective efficacy and school conditions for professional learni..
