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In 1888, Vincent Van Gogh moved to Arles, a town in southern France.1888年,文森.梵谷遷居到亞爾勒─南法的一個小鎮。The artist Paul Gauguin moved there too, and they became good friends.藝術家保羅.高更也移居到那裡,他們結為好友。The weather was beautiful, and they were both inspired by the colorful countryside.天氣晴朗,兩人都被多姿多采的鄉間 (景色) 喚起靈感。They painted daily and talked about art, but they didn’t have much money.他們鎮日作畫及探討藝術 (話題),可他們沒什麼錢。Van Gogh often became sad and couldn’t paint.梵谷常常 (情緒) 沮喪而無法作畫。One day he became very angry and argued with Gauguin.有一天他大發雷霆並跟高更吵了一架。Gauguin left Arles, and shortly after, Van Gogh cut off a piece of his own ear.高更離開了亞爾勒,沒多久,梵谷就割下了他自己的一小片耳朵。After a while, Van Gogh began to paint again.過了一會,梵谷又再度 (執起畫筆) 作畫。He sent some paintings to Paris but couldn’t sell them.他把一些畫作送往巴黎但卻賣不出去。Then, in 1890, early on a Sunday evening, Van Gogh went out to the countryside with his paints.然後,於1890年,一個接近傍晚的周日,梵谷帶著他的畫出門去鄉間。He took out a gun and shot himself in the chest.他拿出一把槍並朝自己胸口射擊。His brot..


關鍵字:earGauguinpaint againVincent VanVincent Van Gogh