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Mr. Suzuki has _____ finished preparing the financial statement and the final report has been emailed to his upper manager. (A) more or less (B)little or no (C)on and off (D)sooner or later 102年南台灣國民中學教甄 ANS: (A) (C) more or less 大約.多少有些; little or no 幾乎沒有; on and off 斷斷續續地; sooner or later 遲早, 早晚 The T-1000’s diversified ____ forms were achieved through a computer technique called digital compositing. (A) steady (B) protean (C) single (D) one-sided                                                               ANS: (B) protean 千變萬化的; 變化不定的 In even the simplest and most _____ Italian street song, Pavarotti gripped the audience like a benign bear. (A) difficult (B) hackneyed (C) unheard (D)funniest ANS: (B) hackneyed 陳腐的; 平庸的 Tom’s ____ prevented him from climbing the ladder. (A) acrophobia (B) agrophobia (C) claustrophobia (D) xenophobia ANS: (B) acrophobia  懼高症;       agrophobia 廣場恐怖症; 曠野恐怖症; 陌生環境恐怖症;  claustrophobia 幽閉恐怖症; xenophobia 對外國(人)的無理仇視(或畏懼) The slaves in the States were freed by the Emancipation ____. (A) Proclamation (B) Exclamation (C) Disclamation (D) Reclamation ANS: (A) Proclamation 宣言; Exclamation叫喊; 驚叫; 感歎; Disclamation  否認 ; Reclamation 開墾, 開拓 Money and good taste made Emily the ____ of fashionable elegance. (A) epitaph (B) epoch (C) epitome (D) epicure ANS: (C) A) epitaph 墓誌銘  B) epoch 時代  C) epitome 縮影; 象徵  D) epicure 講究或享受美食的人 Because of his inherent ____, William steered clear of any job that he suspected could turn out to be a travail. (A) insolence (B) indolence (C) impudence (D) industry ANS: (B) insolence 傲慢; 無禮; 厚顏 ; indolence 懶散, 懶惰; impudence 厚臉皮,傲慢 ; travail 艱苦勞動, 辛勤工作 ; steered clear of 避開        


關鍵字: diversified more or lesslittle or noon and offsooner or later英文單字