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主題:Opposite Option


objection KK[əbˋdʒɛkʃən] n.名詞 1.反對; 異議; 不喜歡[C][U][(+to/against)] Nobody raised any objection to my doing it right now. 沒人反對我現在就做這件事。 I have no objection to their plan. 我不反對他們的計劃。 2.缺點[U][(+to)] The chief objection to the essay is its inappropriate use of special jargons. 這篇文章的主要缺點是專門術語用得不當。 3.妨礙, 障礙[U][(+to)] We have overcome every objection and completed the mission on time. 我們排除了各種障礙, 並按時完成了任務。 4.反對的理由[C][(+to/against)] Father's objection..


關鍵字:objectionessay have no objection toOppositeOpposite Option反對缺點障礙