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skeptical  adj.   Relating to, characteristic of, or marked by skepticism.   懷疑的。 相關字:adv. skeptically. permanent  adj.   Lasting; durable; continuing in the same state.   持久的;經久的;恆久的。 n.   Permanent wave.   燙髮。 慣用語: permanent committee 常設委員。 permanent magnet 永久磁石。 permanent set 【理】永久變定。 permanent tooth 【解】永久齒;恆齒。 permanent wave 燙髮。 permanent way 【英】軌道。 cf.   Permanent is applied to that which is not temporary, not subject to change, and is supposed to continue until the end.   Permanent 指非暫時的、不改變的、永久的:   例句: permanent institutions     永久的制度。   Durable is used entirely in a material sense to suggest the wearing or lasting qualities of things.   Durable 僅用於物質之意義,指抵抗毀壞力之性質:   例句: durable ginghams     耐用之柳條棉布。   Enduring refers to the quality of wearing well or lasting long, and also that of suffering patiently.   Enduring 指耐久或持久之性質,又指堅忍之能力:   例句: enduring patience     恒久的忍耐。 相關字:adv. permanently. 同義字:durable, enduring.    mandatory adj.   Containing, or pertaining to, an official command; expressing a command.   命令的;訓令的;指示的。   Carrying authority; obligatory.   命令士的;強制的。 (複數: mandatories) n.   An attorney or agent who acts for another.   受委任的人(如律師或代理人)。   A nation or state chosen to govern or administer a colony, or certain territory.   有託管權的國家。 慣用語: mandatory administration 託管。 mandatory rule 託管。 mandatory power 有託管權的國家。


關鍵字:permanent skeptical mandatory懷疑的characteristiccontinuingdurableLastingmarkedpermanent committee