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Subsequent a.[Z]   1. 後來的, 其後的, 隨後的[B]   The problem will be discussed at length in subsequent chapters.   這個問題將在後面幾章詳細討論。   2. (作為結果而)接著發生的[B]   His negligence of duty and subsequent dismissal from his job brought on a crisis in his life.   他玩忽職守, 隨之遭到解雇, 這在他的生活中引起了一次危機。   3. 繼...之後的[F][(+to)]   On the day subsequent to his visit, she disappeared.   在他訪問的第二天, 她失蹤了。     Condensation n.   1. 縮短; 濃縮; 縮寫本[U][C]   read a condensation of a novel   讀一部小說的縮寫本   2. 凝聚, 凝結; 凝結物[U][C]   3. 冷凝[U]   the condensation of steam into water   蒸汽之冷凝為水     Dilute vt.   1. 稀釋[(+with)]   She diluted the concentrated fruit juice with water.   她攙水沖淡濃縮水果汁。   2. 削弱; 降低   dilute the President's influence   削弱總統的影響         (A) smoldered vi.   1. (無火苗地)悶燒, 燻燒   2. 悶燃燒盡[(+out)]   3. (憤怒等)悶在心裡, 鬱積; 怒火中燒[(+with)]   The workforce were smoldering with discontent.   工人們流露出難以抑制的不滿。 (B) forensic a.   1. 法庭的   2. 辯論的     (C) traumatic a.   1. 【醫】外傷的; 外傷用的   2. 創傷(性)的   n.   1. 外傷藥     (D) stained a.   1. 玷污的   2. 著色的 ※stain vt.   1. 沾污, 染污[(+with)]   Blood stained the blanket.   血沾污了毯子。   2. 玷污, 敗壞   His crimes stained the family honor.   他的罪行玷污了家庭的名譽。   3. 給(木材, 玻璃等)染色, 給...著色   She stained the table brown.   她將桌子塗成了棕色。   4. 把(標本等)染色以便於顯微鏡下觀察


關鍵字:CondensationDilutesmolderedSubsequent traumaticchaptersdiscusseddismissalduty forensic