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A condemned[1] US inmate[2] who turned from a gang leader to an anti-gang advocate ___42____ bars has been nominated for the 2006 Nobel peace prize, the college professor behind the nomination said Tuesday. Professor Philip Gasper of Notre Dame de Namur University in California has nominated convicted[3]killer Stanly "Tookie" Williams for the prize five years ___43____, according to Alice Kim of the Campaign to Stop the Death Penalty. A Swiss Parliamentarian[4]was the first to ___44____ Williams for the prize, Kim said. " I respect him for his willingness to be public with his stand against gangs and for peace, though he must ___45____ daily with a violent prison environment full of gang members and unfriendly prison officials, many of whom do not support his message or his work, " said Gasper.   [1]condemned KK:[hQntgUmg] a. 1. 被判罪的; 死刑囚犯的 2. 【口】被詛咒的   [2]inmate KK:[tanmTf] n.[C] 1. (房屋等的)同居住者 2. (監獄, 精神病院等的)被收容者; 囚犯, 住院者; 同坐牢的人, 同住院者 Smoking is absolutely forbidden to the inmates of the prison. 這兒的監犯絕對不准抽煙。   [3]convicted KK: [hQntjahf] vt. 1. 證明...有罪; 判...有罪, 判決[H][(+of)] The judge convicted him of robbery. 法官判他犯有搶劫罪。 She was convicted of murder. 她被判犯有謀殺罪。 2. 使認罪; 使深感有錯, 使悔悟 He was convicted of his errors. 他認識到自己所犯的過失。   [4]Parliamentarian KK: [udFqpQmUntfUqaQn] n.1. 特別熟悉議事規程並擅長辯論的國會議員 a.1. 議會的

