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關於試題: 1.Americans were surprised to find that their country was ____________ number thirteen in quality of life worldwide. (A) deleted (B) chained (C) rated (D) scared (C) be rated 把..列為 2.The report has to be ___________ to the board of directors next Friday for approval. (A) exaggerated (B) screamed (C) submitted (D) equipped (A) exaggerated (adj) 誇大的 (C) submitted (vt) 提交 (v) 使...服從 (D) equip (vt) 裝備,配備 3.The weather changes so ____________ that no one can accurately predict what it will be like the next day. (A) properly (B) skeptically (C) rationally (D) constantly (B) skeptically (adv) 懷疑地  


關鍵字:approvalbe ratedchainedconstantlydeletedequipexaggeratedratedscaredscreamed