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從頭到腳的片語 耳朵 ear:The walls have ears. 隔牆有耳 眼睛 eye:Beauty is in the eye of beholder. 情人眼裏出西施    eye:To see eye to eye. 眼睛看眼睛(看法一致)    eye:An eye for an eye. 以眼還眼(以牙還牙) 鼻子 nose:You should keep your nose clean. 你的鼻子要保持乾淨(別惹事)    nose:Pay through the nose. 從鼻子付錢(付了一筆過高的價錢) 嘴巴 mouth:Look a gift horse in the mouth. 送你馬還嫌嘴歪(吹毛求疵) 舌頭 tongue:Did the cat bite you tongue?       你的舌頭被貓咬了嗎?(說不出話或無法狡辯) 牙齒 tooth:Mom made me clean my room with tooth and nail.       老媽用牙齒和指甲逼我打掃房間(用惡勢力強迫某人做事情) 頭  head:Better be the head of an ass than tail of a horse.       寧為驢頭不為馬尾(寧為雞首不為牛後)    head:Two heads are better than one. 兩個頭比一個好(集思廣益) 頭髮 hair:To make someone\'s hair curl. 讓某人的頭髮捲起來(嚇得讓人頭髮站起來) 脖子 neck:Save someone\'s neck 救人的脖子(救人一命或幫忙解決問題) 肩膀 shoulder:A shoulder to cry on. 可以讓你哭(依賴)的肩膀    shoulder:shoulder to shoulder. 肩並肩(在一起的友誼) 手  hand:A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 一鳥在手勝於兩鳥在林    hand:Hand in glove 手都在一個手套裡(狼狽為奸) 手掌 palm:I\'ve got it in the palm of my hand. 一切掌握在我手中 手指 finger:She has a finger in every pie.       她把手指頭放到每個派裡(對任何事都很好奇, 或都參與) 大母指 thumb:I am all thumbs. 我滿手都是大母指(笨手笨腳, 因為大母指不靈活) 手臂 arm:At arm\'s length 手臂之交(不想成為太熟的朋友, 跟斷臂之交是相反的) 手肘 elbow:Let\'s bend the elbows tonight. 今晚彎手肘吧(不醉不歸) 背  back:Do not speak ill of others behind their backs. 不要在背後說人壞話 皮膚 skin:Beauty is but skin deep. 美貌是膚淺的 血  blood:Blood is thicker than water. 血濃於水 心  heart:Faint heart never won fair lady.       膽怯者永遠得不到美人的芳心(不入虎穴焉得虎子) 胸 chest:I need to get it off my chest.       我要把這件事從胸前移開(把某件事說出來, 或解決掉) 骨頭 bone:I was chilled to the bone. 我冷到骨頭裡了       I must cut my living expenses to the bone.       我要把生活的花費省到骨頭裡(省到最少的花費) 肉  flesh:The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.       精神有餘而肉體無力(心有餘而力不足) 胃 stomach:The way to a man\'s heart is through his stomach.       女人獲取男人的歡心最好先控制他的胃(口) 膝蓋 knee:Bring someone to their knees 讓某人膝跪下(將某人打敗或羞辱) 腿  leg:Pull someone\'s leg 扯後腿 單腳 foot:Get off on the wrong foot 起錯腳了(一開起就錯了, 或誤會了)    foot:Have one foot in the grave 一腳已經踏入棺材了 雙腳 feet:Put your feet on the ground. 腳踏實地 腳指頭 toe:I am on my toes. 我在我腳指頭上了(我準備好了) http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1206051104732

