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40. I don’t know Michael. I have neither talked to him _____ met him in person.
(A) or
(B) nor
(C) so
(D) either


This is a good ______ for a post office because it is in the middle of town.


It was a ______ that the little boy survived the plane crash.
(B) independence


5.It was very kind of him to _____ my mistake. I’d never forget his kindness. 


       If you have COVID-19, you could__36__ it to others, even if you do not have symptoms. When you have symptoms, get tested and stay home until you have your__37__. If you have tested__38__(even without symptoms), follow the __39__ recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. You would need to stay home and away from others for at least 5 days (possibly more, depending on how the virus affects you) and wearing a highquality,__40__mask when indoors around others for a period of time.

(A) natural
(B) medical
(C) sexual
(D) digital

二、英翻中【30 分】 As much as the greening of sports was a mirage to many skeptics, it is no longer a pie in the sky now — it’s moving forward dramatically. Stadiums have installed wind and solar operations, improved lighting efficiency, ramped up recycling efforts and diverted increasing amounts of organic waste from the landfill through composting efforts. The payback is not just good public relations but, increasingly, real bottom-line savings. The story of the Seattle Mariners explains how this can work. First, he Seattle Mariners baseball team saw first-hand the financial benefits of working for energy efficiency when it reduced natural gas use 60% and electricity use by 30% from 2006 to 2009 at Safeco Field. The Mariners now have one of the most comprehensive environmental programs in sports. The change was questioned by a lot of naysayers, but the numbers eventually convinced them. Now the Mariners’ stadium is the exemplary model of green practice.


