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40. The movie is ______ the novel by Joseph O’Neill.
(A) basic
(B) based on
(C) basing
(D) on the base of


30. Online shopping is easy and convenient but it can be __________ sometimes.
(A) reality
(B) safety
(C) risky
(D) lucky


Brain researchers have discovered four key points for effective study. 
1. Make an effort. The brain remembers better when we __26__ the subject, already know a little about it, and know we will need the information in the future. 
2. Find the most important information and organize it. Your brain can __27__ only a limited amount of information at one time, so don’t try to remember every __28__ . When studying a textbook, look for titles, headings, and illustrations to show you the main ideas. 
3. Make the new brain connections stronger. One technique is to recite the ideas out loud in your own words. This is the most powerful way to __29__ information from short-term to long-term memory. 
4. Give the new material time to soak in—your brain has to __30__ new physical connections. By understanding how the brain works, and following these four tips, you can easily achieve your goals.

(A) innocent
(B) operator
(C) detail
(D) expense


    It was kind of unsettling to people who had expected old politics. Emmanuel Macron, who had never 26 any elected office before, became president of France in May 2017. At 39, Macron is the youngest man ever to be elected to France’s highest office. 27 this, he also announced his candidacy and new political party only six months before the election. The party is called En Marche!, which 28 to mean onwards and forwards, and had not existed before Macron’s run for office.
     After Macron was elected president of France, his party swept the legislative elections. En Marche! won more than 43% of the 29 and 301 out of 577 seats in the National Assembly. Even though the French economy has weakened for years, Macron now has a significant mandate to make the changes he wants to make. 30 a former businessman, Macron will hopefully restore the greatness of France on the international stage.

(B) fund
(D) goal


四、閱讀測驗【請依照段落上下文意 【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案 ,選出最適當的答案】 Widow Sheila Young wasn’t enthusiastic about the idea of online dating. But she took the courage and met a man who changed her life. Sheila, 73, had lost her husband to bowel cancer 18 months earlier. After more than 40 years of marriage, she missed the companionship, conversation and comfort of having someone to share her life. “A niece had tried online dating,” says Sheila. “It didn’t work for her, but one evening I had a couple of glasses of red wine and thought, ‘go for it girl.’ I didn’t tell anyone in case it didn’t work out. I said in my profile simply, ‘I want someone to make me laugh again.’ ” Over a period of three weeks, her inbox was filled with inappropriate messages. Sheila despaired. Then she found Roy Millard, 75. Or rather, he found her. Roy, whose wife Jenny died of ovarian cancer seven years ago, signed up to the dating site without telling a soul. Like Sheila, Roy was looking for a companion, someone to giggle with, to laugh at his jokes. Living 32 miles apart, yet they were perfect for each other. When Sheila’s photograph popped up, he stopped short. He was smitten. Luckily, Sheila liked the look of him too. “It was his eyes, I think,” she says. “Such a twinkle in them.” After three weeks of messaging and talking on the phone, the pair arranged to meet halfway at a garden centre in October 2012. When Sheila pulled in, Roy was already waiting by his car. “We were both nervous,” admits Sheila. “But once we sat down for a coffee, it just felt natural.” Roy adds: “Neither of us wanted the date to end, so we drove to a pub for lunch.” Soon they met each other’s families who got on well right away. They both have lots of great friends and family, and now they are combined. With visits from friends and family and eating out regularly, the couple are rarely at home. “I can’t believe that my life has changed so much,” she says. “When I think of people in my situation being lonely, I feel so lucky.” Roy adds, “We plucked up the courage to do something, and it worked out. Look at the life we have now.”
【題組】46. How did Sheila and Roy meet?
(A) At a church service.
(B)Through a friend.
(C)Via an online dating service. 
(D)By joining the same singing contest.

Philippine nationals could become eligible for visa-free entry for stays in Taiwan of up to 14 days by next month or November, Ministry of Foreign Affairs revealed yesterday. The government has decided to implement the visa-free program on a trial basis to promote people-to-people, tourist and commercial exchanges between Taiwan and the Philippines. The government encourages Manila to follow the principle of reciprocity and grant Taiwanese nationals visa-free privileges as soon as possible.【35 分】


