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說明:第 16 至 25 題,請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案。
 London is the most diverse city in the world, with more than 300 languages   16     in the city and people of 50 nationalities   17    there. What are the causes underlying London’s ethnic diversity? One is that London is a business center so that people all over the world come here to find jobs and   18   money. But the cause that makes people   19     in London is language, because they want their children to build up the   20    in English, which is a great gift and advantage in the global context.   21   cause is surprising. Londoners tend to leave people   22    , and this gives newcomers much space to live their own lives. Finally, food is also an important cause bringing people all over the world to London. Londoner’s   23         for foreign food creates   24    of job for new communities, which invites more foreigners, and at the same time more foreign   25   , into the city.

(A) refusal
(B) depression
(C) enthusiasm
(D) happiness


13. Before you ______ your salary with the potential employer, you need to ensure that you have an official written job offer.
(A) elaborate
(B) unveil
(C) disclose
(D) negotiate


說明:第 16 至 25 題,請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案。 
       London is the most diverse city in the world, with more than 300 languages    16    in the city and  people of 50 nationalities    17    there. What are the causes underlying London’s ethnic diversity? One is that London is a business center so that people all over the world come here to find jobs and    18    money. But the cause that makes people    19    in London is language, because they want their children to build up the    20    in English, which is a great gift and advantage in the global context.    21    cause is surprising. Londoners tend to leave people    22   , and this gives newcomers much space to live their own lives. Finally, food is also an important cause bringing people all over the world to London. Londoner’s    23    for foreign food creates    24    of job for new communities, which invites more foreigners, and at the same time more foreign    25    , into the city.

(A) million
(B) thousands
(C) ten thousands
(D) ten hundreds


       Reuben Garret Lucius Goldberg was born on July 4th 1883 in San Francisco. By the end of his lifetime in December 7th 1970, he was known as an inventor, sculptor, author, engineer and cartoonist. At a young age, he loved drawing, tracing and being creative, but this was discouraged by his parents. In 1904, he graduated with a degree in engineering from the University of California, Berkeley. He was then hired as an engineer by the city of San Francisco but eventually quit to become a sports cartoonist for the San Francisco Chronicle. In 1907 he moved to New York where he worked for several newspapers. He soon became famous as an artist.
       His cartoon strips were popular, but the work that gave him unforgettable lifelong fame was the character he created—Professor Lucifer Gorgonzola Butts. Using the character, he would illustrate inventions that later became known as the “Rube Goldberg Machine”. A “Rube Goldberg Machine” is an extremely complicated device that performs a very simple task in a complex, indirect way. This is now used as an expression to describe any system that's confusing or complicated and came from Goldbergʼs illustrations of ridiculous machines. The first illustration showing a “Rube Goldberg Machine” was an Automatic Weight Reducing Machine in 1914 using components such as a donut, bomb, wax, balloon and hot stove to trap an overweight person in a sound and food proof prison. The overweight person had to lose weight before freeing himself. He used many simple subjects and made them humorous yet very complicated. This included scratching insect bites, scrubbing your back in a bath, opening a window, collecting mail and finding a ball.
        Throughout his career, Goldberg was fascinated by the advancement of technology and thought it humorous that people either embraced the benefits technology brought or were unwilling to accept new technology as it seemingly increased dependency and laziness. He personally believed people preferred choosing a more difficult route instead of completing a goal simply and directly. As he said, “the machines are a symbol of manʼs capacity for making maximum effort to achieve minimal results”. His inventions were interesting because he did the complete opposite of what most machines do—instead of making difficult things easy, he made easy things difficult.

【題組】25. Why did Reuben Goldberg draw the interesting machines?
(A) To express his distrust of modern technology.
(B) To make fun of a certain professor in his university.
(C) To show how men often made simple things more complicated.
(D) To mirror his childhood life as an overweight boy.


12. Medicines should be ______ the reach of children.
(A) kept out of
(B) kept in with
(C) cut off
(D) caught out


22. The billionaire is happy to donate one million to the charity because it’s just ______ for him.
(A) a drop in the bucket
(B) a pipe dream
(C) the lion’s share
(D) a long shot


       Recent biological research indicates that there is a biochemical basis to love, which explains why people in love feel as if they were in a more beautiful world. Psychologists such as Dr. Elaine Hatfield, Robert Sternberg and Zick Rubin posit that love consists of three or more stages. The three main stages are lust, attraction, and attachment, while some of the other stages are intimacy, trust, and jealousy. Each stage is ruled or initiated by specific hormonal controllers. In their studies, every love passes through some of these stages and occurs due to the mediation of certain molecules in these specific chemical controllers.
         Biological research has shown that the hormones dominant in the different phases include testosterone and estrogen (the sexual hormones); dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin (these are the “pleasure chemicals” - the hormones invoking feelings of pleasure and excitement); and oxytocin (the “cuddle chemical” - the hormone producing feelings of attachment to another person). For example, in the second phase of attraction, when people have the feeling of being in love, the little molecule phenylethylamine (known as PEA), controlling the love chemicals dopamine and norepinephrine, can cause feelings of elation, exhilaration and euphoria. People feel excited and fulfilled.
        Additionally, biological anthropologist Helen Fisher, an expert on romantic love, discusses what happens in the brain when people are in love and proposes that there is a dramatic increase in the amount of dopamine and norepinephrine present in the brain when one first becomes infatuated with another person.

【題組】40. What does the passage imply about love?
(A) Most people are not controlled by love.
(B) Science may help explain how love takes place.
(C) Love can be expressed precisely by words or actions.
(D) People can easily find the right person everywhere.


四、 閱讀測驗【請在下列各題中選出最適當的答案】   
       While the hat rule certainly feels antiquated, it also begs the question: Why do we do this? After all, there’s nothing about hats that seems inherently offensive. To ensure you’re up to speed on this old etiquette rule, we’ve uncovered the real reason why it’s considered rude to wear a hat indoors.                     According to the etiquette experts over at the Emily Post Institute, the act of removing your hat indoors is a longtime sign of respect. In fact, it probably began with medievalknights. Back in Medieval Europe, any knight who failed to remove his helmet or lift his visor to identify himself could face fatal consequences. Knights also removed their helmets as a sign of vulnerability and trust in churches and in the presence of women and royalty. The rule also has roots in Christianity, as it’s considered customary for men to remove their hats upon entering a church. But perhaps the strictest rules of Western hat etiquette exist in the U.S. Flag Code, which advises men to take off their hats during the national anthem. While the flag code is certainly not a law but an advisory, its inclusion of hat etiquette cements the idea that wearing a hat in the wrong situation is the epitome of rudeness.   
       There are a few exceptions to these hat-wearing rules. Men are allowed to keep their hats on at indoor athleticevents, on public transportation, in post offices, airports, hotel or office lobbies, and on elevators. And women are allowed to keep their hats on at all of those places, plus in someone’s home, at luncheons, movies, weddings, garden parties, and even during the national anthem. In addition to removing their hats indoors and during the national anthem, men should also remove their toppers at mealtime and while being introduced to someone new. Nowadays, however, many etiquette experts emphasize the importance of trusting your intuition. If you find yourself in a situation where you aim to show respect to others, then it’s best to avoid coming off as rude and simply remove your hat.

【題組】38. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “antiquated” in Paragraph 1? 


10 The company is profitable and expects ten to fifteen million dollars in________this year.
(A) reputation
(B) reward
(C) revenue
(D)  venue


13 Facebook has recently changed its name to "'Meta" with its _______ to establish the "metaverse."
(A) ambitions
(B) ambiguity
(C) admiration
(D) advertisement


31 English seems to become one of the basic requirements for decent, well- __________jobs.
(A) payment
(B) pay
(C) paid
(D) payed


 She __39__ a lot from listening to the English program every day. She made a lot of improvements in her listening ability. She found it __40__.

(A) benefit 
(B) benefited  
(C) beneficial 
(D) beneficially


19. It was a haunted house. As he stepped into the building, he heard some frightening sounds and started to________.


38. I am pleased to_________ you that your application has been approved.
(A)be informed


39. Before you prepare a talk, you need to know to_________ you will be speaking.


We need to bear in mind two points about globalization. First of all, it is not a now process since many experts and economists have pointed out that the economic forces that have created globalization started in the 61d69a5d304a5.jpgcentury. Second, the world has not__ 46__  equally in the globalizing process. The most fundamental issue surrounding globalization is whether it will contribute to global peace. Defenders believe that global economic cooperation and cultural __47__ are the key to international peace and prosperity. They want to create a __48__world firee from any regional or national conficts. However, opponents view any form of global cooperation with __49__ . They oppose organizations such as the International Monctary Fund (IMF), the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the World Bank (WB), as they believe these organizations are controlled by powerful countries, mainly the US, the EU and Japan.

(A) suspicion
(C) benefited


34. You should study ________ hard ________ you can if you want to enter your ideal university.
(A) more, than
(B) most, to
(C) as, as
(D) such, as


