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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2851~2875)
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Division does not always require that classification follow it. Your purpose in classifying, however, is to show how things in a group are similar. _____1_____ division and classification do work together. If you emptied the contents of a pocketbook onto a table, you would begin to divide those contents into groups. _____2_____ division, you would identify objects relating to finances, objects relating to personal care, objects relating to school work. Once you had the divisions clear, you would place objects in each category: money, checks, and credit cards in the first; cosmetics, a comb, and perfume in the second; pencils and a notebook in the third. When you divide and classify for writing, you have to keep several things in mind. You have to think carefully about the division of the topic so that you limit the _____3_____ from group to group. That is best achieved by creating categories different enough from each other so there is no blending. Since, you, the writer, have to establish the groups, you need to use a principle of classification that is sensible, accurate and complete. Do not force categories just _____4_____ making groups. You have to show how things in a group relate to each other, and this you must do without _____5_____ their differences and without making them stereotypes. If you stereotype objects in a group, you will be oversimplifying them, taking away their individuality, and forcing them to fit your categories.
(A) noticing
(B) ignoring
(C) arranging
(D) measuring


Hopes of a peaceful ______ to the conflict between the two parties have faded. The likelihood of reaching a satisfactory settlement of the dispute is very bleak.
(A) tolerance  
(B) resolution  
(C) monument  
(D) estimate  


When everyone begins to agree and there are no contradictory voices, even the most ill-conceived ideas can take root. 

(A) When everyone in a group begins to have the same views on everything, even the worst ideas might be taken into account. 

(B) When everyone in a group begins to listen to and believe in one another, even well-meant ideas may be viewed truly evil. 

(C) When a group of people never agree with one another, they may end up coming up with some wrong ideas.

(D) When a group of people never see things in different ways, they will never have to worry whether their ideas are good or bad.


As cheers from the sold-out audience of 9,200 reverberated around the baseball stadium, the star pitcher delivered the ball to home plate.  

(A) The famous pitcher threw the ball to home plate as the crowd’s cheers filled the stadium. 

(B) The famous pitcher was injured when he was throwing a ball to home plate in the crowded stadium. 

(C) When the famous pitcher threw the ball to home plate, the audience got out of control in the stadium. 

(D) When the famous pitcher was injured throwing a ball to home plate, a big cheers arose from the audience.


【題組】 The drug Ecstasy or “E” is an amphetamine, which comes in a pill or tablet form. If you take an E, you might experience a general state of euphoria,      43       increased sensitivity to touch, taste, and color and raised confidence. At higher doses, a user can also experience sudden feelings of panic, depression, confusion, and anxiety. Ecstasy is often termed the “love drug” or “hug drug” because it    44    feelings of heightened sensuality. Translation: you will be loving everyone you meet. This is dangerous     45     it may lead you to trust people you have only just met. Ecstasy users can suffer severe dehydration from dancing for hours and not noticing their fatigue. Other physical    46        of a pill include: sweating, teeth grinding, blurred vision, nausea and cramping. The street quality of Ecstasy can never be    47   . The reality is that you could have a deadly reaction. If you or one of your friends starts vomiting or loses consciousness after taking a pill, stay calm and call an ambulance or go to the hospital straight away.

(A) as  
(B) but  
(C) yet  
(D) or


26 The Spanish Flu ________ from 1918 to 1920 claimed over thirty million lives around the world.
(A) academy
(B) vaccination
(C) disruption
(D) epidemic


Kim was completely ______ after jogging in the hot sun all afternoon; she had little energy left.
(A) kicked out
(B) handed out
(C) worn out
(D) put out


I wish he _______ here now to help me.
(C)have come


35 Be careful when moving the ______ porcelain vase, or you may break it.


16 Apart from the regular examination, the Customs will sometimes conduct a _____ in order to prevent corruption.
(A)tariff cut 
(B)tax refund  
(C)duty memo  
(D)spot check  


Don’t feel guilty about the breaks you’ve been sneaking at work―they could be helping you learn. Neuroscientists at MIT find that rats take a similar pause after exploring an unfamiliar maze. During that break, the animals’ brains repeatedly review a backward version of the route they just took, most likely cementing memories of the steps needed to reach the goal. David Foster and his team zero in on this process by placing tiny wires into the rats’ brains. The neurons that light up during the experiments lie in a region known to form short-term memories. But as those cells play the memory again and again―10 times faster than the original experience―the rest of the brain has lots of opportunities to absorb the information and to place it into long-term storage. This implies that it’s not just during an experience that learning occurs. The period after the experience is just as important, maybe more important. The results may explain previous studies showing that people and animals learn best when given breaks between tasks―and provide a persuasive new justification for office daydreaming.
【題組】24 What did the scientists do to the rats?
(A) They put rats into a maze competition.
(B) They recorded the brain activities of the rats.
(C) They forced the rats to memorize the mazes.
(D) They lit up the brains of the rats for photographs.


7 My mother was a devoted and religious woman who taught her children to believe in themselves and their ability to succeed _____ they faced poverty and prejudice.
(A) so that
(B) even though
(C) as long as
(D) as if


9 These parents failed to have their children immunized_____ diphtheria.
(A) for
(B) against
(C) toward
(D) over


40 One of the reasons why casting a play is no easy task is that people who show up for tryouts mumble or speak in inaudible whispers.
(A) The only reason why casting a play is not easy is that people coming for tryouts would mumble or speak in inaudible whispers.
(B) Casting a play is quite difficult. For one thing, people who come to auditions are often inarticulate.
(C) Casting a play is not a hard task because lots of people who show up for tryouts speak loudly.
(D) Watching a play is hard because the audience that show up mumble or speak in inaudible whispers.


        The postage stamp has been around for only a relatively short period of time. The use of stamps for postage was first proposed in England in 1837, when Sir Rowland Hill published a pamphlet entitled “Post Office Reform: Its Importance and Practicability” to put forth two ideas. First, postal rates should not be based on the distance that a letter or package travels but should instead be based on the weight of the letter or package. Second, fees for postal service should be collected in advance of the delivery, rather than after, through the use of postage stamps. The ideas proposed by Hill went into effect in England almost immediately, and other countries soon followed suit. The first English stamp, which featured a portrait of then Queen Victoria, was printed in 1840. This stamp came in sheets that needed to be separated with scissors. It provided enough postage for a letter weighing 14 grams or less to any destination. In 1843, Brazil was the next nation to produce national postage stamps, and various areas in what is today’s Switzerland also produced postage stamps later in the same year. Postage stamps in five- and ten-cent denominations were first approved by the US Congress in 1847, and by 1860, postage stamps were being issued in more than 90 countries worldwide.
【題組】50 What happened in 1847 ?
(A) Postage stamps were in use in 90 different countries.
(B) It cost fifteen cents to mail a letter in the United States.
(C) Two different denominations of postage stamps were introduced in the US.
(D) The US Congress introduced the “Queen Victoria” stamp


14 Mr. Chen assumed a_____ role in the meeting. He had complete control over every agenda.
(A) dominant
(B) flexible
(C) subordinate
(D) primitive


15 The juvenile delinquent was arrested for robbery and was sentenced to three years of_____ .
(A) dedication
(B) imprisonment
(C) prosecution
(D) unemployment


1 Many adolescents use the Internet to get information about issues they are ___ to discuss with their parents or teachers.
(A) innocent
(B) respective
(C) reluctant
(D) emotional


45 There are no hard and fast conventions about the right and wrong clothes to wear at a party.
(A) There are no quick ways to dress oneself at a party.
(B) There are no rigid rules about how to dress oneself at a party.
(C) It isn’t a convention for someone to dress up at a party.
(D) It isn’t the matter of what you wear at a party but the rules you have to follow.


1 Most banks will_______their customers a certain amount of money for each transaction.
(A) acquire
(B) charge
(C) cost
(D) spend


No two people are exactly alike, and my two older brothers, Nhan and Hung are no exceptions. Even though they have the same parents, there are considerable differences in their 59 and attitudes toward life. Like the majority of Asian men, Nhan is short, small, and has a full moon-shaped face. His smooth white skin and small arms and feet make him look somewhat delicate. 60 Nhan, Hung, who is his younger brother by ten years, looks more like an American boxer. He is tall, muscular and big-boned. He is built straight as an arrow and his face is long and angular. 61 their attitudes toward life, they are as different as the moon and the sun. My eldest bother Nhan is concerned with 62 values. He believes that a man should be out of the competitiveness of life and should not depend on material objects if he wants to be happy. So my eldest brother never tries hard to make money to buy conveniences like car. Hung, on the other hand, believes that each person must 63 other people in the world in order to acquire different conveniences, such as cars, washing machines, and television sets. So he always works hard to make his own money to satisfy his material needs.
(A) Providing
(B) Evaluating
(C) Concerning
(D) Accounting


519. A new bridge____ over the river by the workers. People will see a brand new one very soon.
(A) is being built
(B) has built
(C) was built
(D) had been built


713. The Copenhagen climate summit meeting aims to _____ some practical proposal to deal with the crisis of global warming.
(A) perceive
(B) rehearse
(C) suspend
(D) negotiate


依下文回答第46 題至第 50 題 
    The Dublin Regulation is a European Union (EU) law that determines as quickly as possible the EU Member State responsible for examining an asylum application. The principle is that only one Member state is responsible for the application for international protection, which prevents the submission of multiple applications by one person and avoids refugees from being sent from one country to another. The country to which refugees first apply for asylum has to either accept or reject asylum, and refugees cannot restart the process in another country. Usually, the responsible Member State is the state through which the asylum seeker first enters the EU. 
    When an asylum seeker has illegally crossed the border into a Member State, the Member State has the responsibility to examine the asylum application. This responsibility ceases 12 months after the date on which the border has been illegally crossed. If an asylum seeker has a family member who is legally living in a Member State, the Member State is responsible for examining the application. When the asylum seeker possesses a valid visa or residence document, the Member State that issued it is responsible for examining the application. If one has more than one valid visa or residence document, the Member State that granted the longest period of residency has to be responsible for the asylum claim. 
    The protection of refugees has been an international responsibility since the early 1950s with the introduction of the Geneva Convention. According to Refugee Convention in 1951, any person who is under “fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion” has a right to be granted international protection. It was not until the 1980s and 1990s that refugee issues were addressed within the EU. In 1990, the Dublin Convention was established; in 2003 it grew into the Dublin II Regulation and then developed into the Dublin III Regulation in 2013. 
    In April 2015, five boats carrying about 2,000 migrants to Europe sank in the Mediterranean Sea, which claimed 1,200 lives. This tragedy resulted in the wide use of the term “European migrant crisis.” Under the Dublin Regulation, if one who has filed for asylum in an EU country illegally crosses borders to another country, they shall be returned to the former. In June 2015, Hungary was so overburdened by asylum applications that it refused to receive back the applicants who later crossed to another EU country. In August 2015, Germany, having been complaining the Dublin Regulation is failing, quietly stopped to enforce the regulation and processed applications from Syrians even if they have made their way through other EU countries.

【題組】47 Which is NOT a criterion to decide the country responsible for an asylum application?
(A)Whether one has financial support.
(B)Whether one possesses a valid EU visa.
(C)Whether it is the first EU country one enters.
(D)Whether one has a family member in an EU country.


38 The blood-stained knife was found near the body, which means it is _____ the murder weapon.
(A) ludicrously
(B) incredibly
(C) presumably
(D) superficially


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2851~2875)-阿摩線上測驗
