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88 Ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation is a complex process, and many of the signals remain unknown. One known signal involves recognition of amino acids in a processed protein that are either stabilizing (Ala, Gly, Met, Ser, etc.) or destabilizing (Arg, Asp, Leu, Lys, Phe, etc.), and are located
(A) a helix-turn-helix motif in the protein.
(B) a lysine-containing target sequence in the protein.
(C) the amino-terminus of the protein.
(D) a zinc finger structure in the protein.
(E) the carboxy-terminus of the protein.


86. Which of the following statements concerning the B oxidation of fatty acids is true?
(A) About 1,200 ATP molecules are ultimately produced per 20-carbon fatty acid oxidized.
(B) One FADH2 and two NADH are produced for each acetyl-CoA.
(C) The free fatty acid must be carboxylated in the B position by a biotin-dependent reaction before the process of B oxidation commences.
(D) The free fatty acid must be converted to a thioester before the process of B oxidation commences.
(E) Two NADH are produced for each acetyl-CoA.


85. If glucose labeled with 14C in C-1 were fed to yeast carrying out the ethanol fermentation, where would the 14C label be in the products?
(A) In C-1 of ethanol and CO2
(B) In C-1 ofethanol only
(C) In C-2 (methyl group) of ethanol only
(D) In C-2 of ethanol and CO2
(E) In COz only

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84. The complete oxidation of I mole of glucose generates about 30-32 moles of ATP synthesized from ADP. What is the reason for 2 moles ATP difference?
(A) The reducing equivalent FADH2 is shuttled from cytosol into mitochondria via the dihydroxyacetone phosphate/glycerol-3-phosphate shuttle
(B) The reducing equivalent NADH is shuttled from cytosol into mitochondria via the dihydroxyacetone phosphate/glycerol-3-phosphate shuttle
(C) The reducing equivalent FADH2 is shuttled from cytosol into mitochondria via the malate/aspartate shuttle
(D) The reducing equivalent NADH is shuttled from cytosol into mitochondria via the malate/aspartate shuttle
(E) The reducing equivalent ATP is shuttled from cytosol into mitochondria via the malate/aspartate shuttle

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83. Fluroacetate is an inhibitor of aconitase in TCA cycle. Which of the following types of inhibition does fluroacetate belong to?
(A) Irreversible inhibition
(B) Competitive reversible inhibition
(C) Mixed reversible inhibition
(D) Uncompetitive reversible inhibition
(E) None of the above

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82. Which of the following is/are the precursor(s) for the amino acid arginine?
(A) glutamate, ammonia
(B) glutamate
(C) phenylalanine
(D) methionine, serine
(E) glutamine, or glutamate, aspartate

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81. Which of the following is the major site of expression for the monosaccharide transporter GLUT1?
(A) erythrocytes, CNS, blood brain barrier
(B) liver, pancreaticβ-cells, small intestine
(C) neurons, testis, placenta
(D) skeletal muscle, adipose tissue
(E) small intestine, kidney, skeletal muscle, adipose tissue

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79. Which of the following compounds would be most closely associated with the intermediate common to glycogenesis and glycogenolysis?
(A) 6-phosphogluconate
(B) Glucose-1-phosphate
(C) Glucose-6-phosphate
(D) Fructosc-6-phosphate
(E) Dihydroxyacetone phosphate

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71.When the amino group has been removed from an amino acid, the carbon skeleton or a-keto acid may be used in many different ways. Which of the following is NOT a possible fate for the carbon skeleton?
(A) conversion to glucose
(B) oxidation for energy
(C) synthesis of fat
(D) synthesis of creatine
(E) synthesis of ketones

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61. The purpose of the hexose monophosphate shunt is to produce________.
(A) pentose phosphates and NADPH
(B) DNA and RNA
(C) fatty acids
(D) reducing substrates

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51.Which of the following regarding the human viral disease is false?

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48. Several adaptations that facilitate survival and reproduction on dry land emerged after plants diverged from algal. Which of the following traits is found in plants but not in charophyte algae?
(A) Alternation of generations.
(B) Chloroplasts with chlorophylls a and b.
(C) Circular rings of cellulose-synthesizing proteins.
(D) Flagellated sperm.
(E) Sporopollenin in zygotes.

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44.In plants, the climacteric is a stage of fruit ripening associated with increased production of which plant hormone?
(A) auxin
(B) abscisic acid
(C) cytokinin
(D) ethylene
(E) Gibberellin

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42.Which of the following statement about the structure of sarcomeres in relaxed and contracted muscles is false?
(A) The I bands form the borders of each sarcomere.
(B) The A bands represent thick filaments.
(C) The thin filaments are within the I bands and extend into the A bands.
(D) In the contracted muscle, the I bands and H bands become shorter.
(E) In the contracted muscle, the Z lines have moved closer together.

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31. Which description of fungi is correct?
(A) Ascomycota: Multinucleate hyphae lack septa
(B) Glomeromycota: Form arbuscular mycorrhizae
(C) Ascomycota: In sexual reproduction, four ascospores are formed inside a sac called an ascus
(D) Basidiomycota: In sexual reproduction, eight basidiospores are borne on a club-shaped basidia
(E) Zygomycota: the heterokaryotic (dikaryotic) stage can be found in the life cycle

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26. Which volatile short-chain fatty acid is believed to lower serum cholesterol by acting as an inhibitor of cholesterol biosynthesis?
(A) acetic
(B) butyric
(C) propionic
(D) palmitic
(E) lauric

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18. In humans, gluconeogenesis:
(A) can result in the conversion of protein into blood glucose.
(B) helps to reduce blood glucose after a carbohydrate-rich meal.
(C) is activated by the hormone insulin.
(D) is essential in the conversion of fatty acids to glucose.
(E) requires the enzyme hexokinase.

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12. Which of the following statements regarding photoperiodism is false?
(A) Photoperiodism is the physiological reaction of organisms to the length of a dark period. It occurs in both plants and animals.
(B) Many flowering plants (angiosperms) use photoreceptors such as phytochrome and cryptochrome to sense photoperiod.
(C) Long-day plants flower when the night length falls below their critical photoperiod.
(D) The shoot apical meristem that senses the photoperiod leading to its transition from a vegetative (leaf) bud to a reproductive (flower) bud.
(E) Day-neutral plants such as maize do not initiate flowering based on photoperiodism.


精熟測驗 - 學士後西醫-普通生物及生化概論-阿摩線上測驗
