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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆法學知識(包括中華民國憲法、法學緒論) - 公職◆英文 - 經濟學 - 財政學 - 公職◆行政法(包含行政程序法等)2024~2022難度:(3541~3565)
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12 商品 A 的市場需求函數為: ,市場供給函數為: 。假設政府對商品 A 設 置了供給上限 80 單位,則市場均衡的價格與數量分別是多少?
(A) P=16, Q=80
(B) P=14, Q=120
(C) P=10, Q=80
(D) P=17, Q=60


6 關於總統刑事豁免權,下列敘述何者正確?


11 假設某一廠商為完全競爭廠商,其短期成本函數為 TC(Q) = 100+aQ+bQ2,其中 a>0 且 b>0,此 一廠商之短期供給曲線為何?
(A) P = a+bQ,P≧a
(B) P = a+2bQ,P≧a
(C) P = a+bQ,P≧0
(D) P = a+2bQ,P≧0


19. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday recognized the ______ of two separatist regions in eastern Ukraine in an emotional address broadcast on state-run television.
(A) indifference
(B) dependence
(C) independence
(D) deference


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
Communication is crucial for a social species and particularly for human infants who are dependent on others for years.When children start to learn language, they first learn to __41__ words (as well as emotional tones, etc.) and only later produce words or the signs of sign language. There is no good way to  __42__ exactly what an infant understands, so almost all of the research has been about what words children produce. As an important first step in producing language,a child must learn to produce the sounds of her language, __43__ she already can perceive. These efforts are known as babbling, and similar practice takes place in the hand movements of children learning signed languages. __44__ the child can produce enough of the basic phonemes of her language, the production of words starts and there is no looking back. The generally accepted __45__ is that a child learns an average of ten new words a day between the ages of 2 and 12. At the beginning, the learning is slower, more like ten words per week. With these early words, the child is able to name her experiences and communicate with her caregivers.

(A) hear
(B) plan
(C) read
(D) tell


37 The basketball player was _______ of the final match on account of his misbehavior to attack an opponent during the game.
(A)carried out
(B)picked out
(C)ruled out
(D)turned out


18 根據 IS-LM 與 AD-AS 模型,當石油開採技術進步時,在其他條件不變下,對非產油國而言:
(A)其短期均衡實質 GDP 與名目利率都會上升
(B)其短期均衡實質 GDP 與名目利率都會下降
(C)其短期均衡實質 GDP 會增加且名目利率會下降
(D)其短期均衡實質 GDP 會增加且名目利率會上升


請依下文回答第 26 題至第 30 題 
     Copyright law affects one’s right and ability to use another’s work. Its purpose is to    26      thecreation of works by giving authors’ exclusive property rights. Copyright is one of several categories ofintellectual property protection, designed to    27     the creator’s, owner’s, or holder’s right to claim anoriginal work as their own. As soon as a work is written on paper, recorded digitally, or typedelectronically—or anything that can be heard, seen, read, or touched—the work is    28    copyrightprotection, normally for a limited period of time. However, despite copyright law, which    29    individualsfrom copying, publishing, transmitting, exhibiting, distributing, modifying, displaying, or using (whetherfor profit or not) the original creative expressions of others, copyright    30    —intentional andinadvertent—still can and does occur. Overall, we should respect the originality of an individual’s work.

(A) delved
(B) enacted
(C) fetched
(D) granted


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題 
     Some economists have pointed out that in a knowledge-based economy, the most valuable commodity is not information, but attention. Michael Goldhaber (1997) proposed that we are not so much living in an information economy, as in an attention economy, where value is created from the exchange of attention and “[w]hat matters is seeking, obtaining and paying attention.” Digital media and the internet facilitate participation in this economy, by creating new channels for distributing attention. In order to get attention, you have to give attention; otherwise, your audience will lose interest and take their attention elsewhere. This is an important point for advertisers, especially those launching social media campaigns. The emphasis is on developing new kinds of relationships with customers, and in many cases, moving towards engaging customers in the design of products for themselves.
    Goldhaber notes that some people (he calls them “stars”) are better at attracting attention than others (he calls them “fans”). Stars are able to command more attention partly because they pay illusory attention to fans; that is, they give the illusion of personal attention even though they are addressing a large audience. Goldhaber illustrates this concept with the example of a presenter at a conference, who, while talking to a large crowd, makes eye contact with individuals in that crowd. In digital media, social media tools like Twitter and Facebook provide opportunities to pay illusory attention.
    If you accept the idea of an attention economy with attention as the valued commodity, then you have to adjust your ways of thinking about certain concepts. For example, our traditional way of thinking of privacy as freedom from the public gaze is not especially appropriate for people participating in an attention economy. People have to be “out there” in order to attract attention. In addition, intellectual property laws that forbid people from copying and distributing a creator’s work also seem out of place. This kind of copying and distributing draws attention to the creator, thus increasing their “wealth” in the attention economy. In other words, wealth comes not from the exchange of “intellectual property,” but from the exchange of attention.

36 Which of the following statements is true about information economy?

(A) Attention economy is more relevant than information economy now.

(B) Living in attention economy is as good as in information economy.

(C) Information economy and attention economy are basically the same.

(D) Information economy pays better attention to economy than before.


        The antismoking lobby succeeded __(26)__ people knew without being told that cigarettes were killing their friends and families. They demanded hard data about the risks of breathing in secondhand smoke. They disbelieved glib assurances that cigarettes were __(27)__ and that the right to smoke __(28)__ the right to breathe clean air. More important, antismoking activists changed our idea of what smoking is all about. They uncooled the cigarette companies and their brands, forever __(29)__ smoking and death in all of our minds. It was, perhaps, the first victory in the fight for our mental environment—an ecology as rife with __(30)__ as any befouled river or cloud of smog. We long ago learned to watch what we dump into nature or absorb into our bodies; now we need to be equally careful about what we take into our minds.

(A) creatures
(B) illnesses
(C) myths
(D) pollutants


       Space X—the American technology company—launched 60 satellites into space in January 2020. Space X plans to create a network of 12,000 satellites. The company says that the network, known as Starlink, will help provide better Internet service to remote parts of the world. But astronomers say the growing number of satellites orbiting the Earth is making it harder for them to observe and learn from the universe.
        Satellites are made of metal that reflects sunlight. This makes them show up in the night sky as bright, slow-moving dots. After the launch, the Starlink satellites appeared in images taken by telescopes and deep-space cameras as a line of bright lights flying across the sky. Astronomers learn about space by using large telescopes and special cameras to observe light coming from very far away. The information they collect can help them understand things like how galaxies are formed or which planets might be able to support life.
        Some astronomers also use radio telescopes, which record radio waves coming from space. This makes it possible to study things that give off low energy and would not show up as light—like dust and gases. In April 2019, astronomers used information collected by several radio telescopes to produce the first image of a black hole. Large groups of satellites—known as “satellite constellations”—give off radio signals of their own and reflect radio waves coming from Earth. These extra signals interfere with radio waves coming from further away in the galaxy. While it might be possible to build satellites with surfaces that don’t reflect light, it will be very difficult to make satellites that don’t interfere with radio waves.

【題組】25. What can be inferred from the passage?
(A) Space X will probably stop its Starlink project in the near future.
(B) The light reflected from the satellites will interfere with internet connection on earth.
(C) Satellite constellations give off radio signals that will hurt people in remote places.
(D) There is currently no easy way to completely prevent the satellites from interfering with astronomical studies


21 下列何種補助款會改變受補助地方政府提供公共財的價格?


16 當多數決投票矛盾發生時,下列何者通常也會發生?①票決循環性 ②投票結果具遞移性 ③中位數投票者主宰社會偏好


43 依司法院大法官解釋之意旨,關於性自主權之敘述,下列何者錯誤?
(A)與人性尊嚴關係密切,為憲法第 22 條所保障


18 Even though they go to the golf course every Saturday,________ John ________his brother knows how to play golf very well.
(A) either…or
(B) neither…nor
(C) both…and
(D) neither…or


17 公務人員甲於某年 8 月 1 日依法提出辭職,並指定於同年 10 月 1 日起離職,惟有權機關遲至 9 月 1 日仍 未作成准駁之決定,下列敘述何者正確?
(C)有權機關已逾越法定准駁期間,視為同意辭職,生效日為 9 月 1 日
(D)有權機關已逾越法定准駁期間,視為同意辭職,生效日為 10 月 1 日


15依據哈柏格對部分要素稅一般均衡分析之說明,若僅對公司部門之資本要素報酬課稅,引起資本 要素流向非公司部門之經濟行為改變,下列敘述何者錯誤?


8 關於行政機關之敘述,下列何者錯誤?


19 依據政府資訊公開法,關於政府資訊公開,下列敘述何者錯誤?
(D)經申請公開之政府資訊涉及第三人權益,經其明確表示不同意公開時,政府機關應即作成不予 公開之決定


33 When our cells are damaged––for instance, by toxins or_______ from the environment––we may experience discomfort and inflammation.


27 依憲法訴訟法規定,關於聲請之撤回,下列敘述何者錯誤?


4 當咖啡及茶所提供的咖啡因相同時,小丁對消費此兩種財貨的滿足程度就相同。假設一杯咖啡所 提供的咖啡因為一杯茶的 2 倍。以茶的數量為縱軸,咖啡的數量為橫軸。下列何者為小丁的無異 曲線?
(A)斜率為-2 的直線
(B)斜率為-1/2 的直線
(D) L 型的曲線


14 依憲法訴訟法,關於憲法法庭,下列敘述何者錯誤?


38 下列何者不屬於財政政策之範疇?


7. 下列何者非屬行政機關所訂定之抽象法規範?


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆法學知識(包括中華民國憲法、法學緒論) - 公職◆英文 - 經濟學 - 財政學 - 公職◆行政法(包含行政程序法等)2024~2022難度:(3541~3565)-阿摩線上測驗
