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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆法學知識(包括中華民國憲法、法學緒論) - 公職◆英文 - 經濟學 - 財政學 - 公職◆行政法(包含行政程序法等)2024~2022難度:(3616~3640)
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1 The population in Los Angeles is _____ Hispanic American. More than half of the people there speak Spanish.
(A) officially
(B) predominantly
(C) subsequently
(D) ultimately


47 A 公司之股東甲擬在股東會中提出議案,下列關於公司法第 172 條之 1 規定的少數股東提案權之敘 述,何者正確?
(C)提案字數得超過 300 字


45 依行政訴訟法規定,下列何者非確認訴訟之種類?


請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題 
     The process for awarding host city honors came under intense scrutiny after Salt Lake City had beenawarded the right to host the 2002 Olympic Games. Soon after the host city had been announced, it wasdiscovered that the organizers had engaged in an elaborate bribery scheme to     31   with IOC(International Olympic Committee) officials. Gifts and other financial considerations were given to thosewho would evaluate and vote on Salt Lake City’s bid. These gifts included medical treatment for relatives,a college scholarship for one member’s son and a land deal in Utah. Even IOC president Juan AntonioSamaranch received two rifles    32   $2,000. Samaranch defended the gift as inconsequential since, aspresident, he was a non-voting member. 
     The subsequent investigation has uncovered inconsistencies in the bids for every Olympics (bothSummer and Winter) since 1988.   33   , the gifts received by IOC members from the JapaneseOrganizing Committee for Nagano’s bid for the 1998 Winter Olympics were described by the investigationcommittee as “astronomical.” Although nothing strictly illegal had been done, the IOC feared thatcorporate sponsors would lose faith in the integrity of the process and that the Olympic brand would betarnished to such an extent   34   advertisers would begin to pull their support. The investigation resulted in the expulsion of 10 IOC members and the sanctioning of another 10.New terms and age limits were established for IOC membership, and 15 former Olympic athletes wereadded to the committee. Stricter rules for future bids were imposed, with   35      imposed on the valueof gifts IOC members could accept from bid cities.

(A) All considered
(B) To be certain
(C) For all that
(D) For example


42 關於公法上金錢給付義務之敘述,下列何者正確?
(D)行政執行,自處分、裁定確定之日或其他依法令負有義務經通知限期履行之文書所定期間屆滿之日 起,五年內未經執行者,不再執行


9 最適憲政模型主要決定:


請依下文回答第 42 題至第 46 題:
       When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right." It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.
       Remembering "I'll be dead soon" is enough to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything--all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure--these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

【題組】43 Which of the following statements is NOT true according to this passage?
(A) If today were my last day, I can do whatever I want.
(B) Knowing we'll die soon may help us make the right choice.
(C) Remembering that I am going to die is the best way to overcome challenges.
(D) If you know you are already naked, you may avoid worrying about losing things in life.


32 Due to global warming, a consistent pattern of______ of ice wall in Arctic is observed.
(A) reception
(B) recession
(C) recognition
(D) recreation


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
       We live a fast-paced life. Everything happens quickly nowadays, and efficiency is the key theme of our society. Email has replaced the paper letter. Words flow from our fingertips faster than ever before, but not everyone is happy about it. Some people prefer writing slowly. Tom Hanks, American actor, director, filmmaker, and collector of more than 100 typewriters, is one of them. The 58-year-old Oscar winner is__41__the sound his typewriters make. He can choose from a variety of them, each of which__42__its own sound. The volume and rhythm are determined by the force with which the fingers hit the keys. The collecting process itself, hunting and searching for rare pieces, is also a great pleasure. The__43__, however, is often tied to the price tag. Some vintage typewriters cost hundreds of dollars or more. Luckily his acting career is lucrative enough to pay for his hobby. Tom Hanks is not alone. More and more young people are tired of digital technology and looking for a better experience of writing. They enjoy typing because they can focus on thinking; they would not be__44__by email, googling, or Facebook.__45__ , typewriters are entirely powered by your fingertips. They do not require electricity, so you can gracefully carry on writing in a sudden power outage.

(A) enlightened
(B) stimulated
(C) abolished
(D) distracted


16 產品 A 的市場需求函數為 =-2P+280,市場供給函數為 Qs=5P+210。假設政府針對產品 A 課徵每單位 7 元的銷售稅,生產者最終所收到的價格為多少元?每單位多少稅額轉嫁到消費者身上?
(A) 15 元;2 元
(B) 12 元;3 元
(C) 10 元;4 元
(D) 8 元;5 元


5 依憲法訴訟法規定,立法委員就其行使職權,適用憲法發生疑義,至少須有多少立法委員,方得向憲法法庭提起釋憲聲請案?


43 下列何者因素變動會使正斜率的 LM 曲線移動,但不會使負斜率的總合需求曲線(aggregate demand curve)移動?


25 依據司法院釋字第 498 號解釋,地方自治團體之行政首長與民意代表均應由自治區域內之人民依法選舉產生,係基於住民自治之理念與下列何者之功能?


34 A man arrested in connection with a shooting was charged with illegal _____ of firearms.


14 下列何者並非我國法律違憲審查制度之類型或特徵?


49 在經適當警告或標示的開放山域、水域,人民從事冒險或具危險性活動時,因公共設施設置或管理有欠缺而權利受損害,依據國家賠償法,下列何者為國家得減輕賠償責任之事由?


16 關於行政指導之敘述,下列何者錯誤?


15 下列何者非屬公務人員考績之類別?


41 甲對於某國立大學以其未繳交校園交通違規罰款為由扣留其畢業證書之行為向教育部提起訴願,惟在訴願決定前該大學同意並通知甲返校領取畢業證書,訴願委員會應為何種訴願決定?


1 While many environmental organizations around the world are working to solve the climate crisis,______ , some governments simply ignore global warming issues.
(A) amiably
(B) excessively
(C) ironically
(D) originally


       Memorizing information is something we all need to do. There are __(31)__ ways to improve our memory, one of which is known as mind-mapping. A mind map is like a __(32)__ of thoughts, starting from a single idea, and spreading __(33)__ to new ideas, showing the connections between them. The theory behind it is that by drawing the map on paper, we are made to __(34)__ the information clearly. Later as we look at the mind map again and again, we __(35)__ our knowledge of the information and then memorize it.
(A) reinforce
(B) reverse
(C) reward
(D) terminate


50 下列何種情形,國家對於人民不負損失補償責任?


41 丁波模型有許多的假設,下列何者可以解決公共財偏好顯示的問題?
(D)社區可以制定排斥性區域劃分法(exclusionary zoning laws)


9 依司法院大法官解釋,有關婚姻與家庭之保障,下列敘述何者錯誤?


小葉放棄 5 萬元受僱工資,自己開麵包店,總收入為 20 萬元,製造過程中花費 1 萬元買糖,3 萬元買麵粉,6 萬元支付員工工資,3 萬元支付店租。
【題組】33 承上題,小葉麵包店的超額利潤為多少?
(A) 2 萬元
(B) 7 萬元
(C) 10 萬元
(D) 16 萬元


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆法學知識(包括中華民國憲法、法學緒論) - 公職◆英文 - 經濟學 - 財政學 - 公職◆行政法(包含行政程序法等)2024~2022難度:(3616~3640)-阿摩線上測驗
