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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆法學知識(包括中華民國憲法、法學緒論) - 公職◆英文 - 經濟學 - 財政學 - 公職◆行政法(包含行政程序法等)2024~2022難度:(3641~3665)
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22 有關財政分權制度的缺點,下列何者錯誤?
(A)財政分權可能導致租稅競爭(tax competition),使地方稅收高於效率水 準,以致於地方支出亦高於效率水準
(B)若地方性公共財具正向外溢效果(spillover effect),採地方分權將不利資 源配置效率
(C)財政分權可能導致租稅輸出(tax exporting)現象,使得轄區居民租稅負擔 減輕,地方支出水準高於效率水準


6 You need to watch out because there ______ many thieves in the market.
(A) is
(B) was
(C) should be
(D) be


41 在性別工作平等法的規定下,受僱者為撫育未滿 3 歲子女,欲減少或調整 工作時間,下列相關規定之敘述,何者正確?
(B)受僱者必須受僱於僱用 10 人以上之雇主,方有資格請求
(C)受僱者必須受僱於僱用 20 人以上之雇主,方有資格請求
(D)受僱者必須受僱於僱用 30 人以上之雇主,方有資格請求


29 若 1990 年與 2020 年的消費者物價指數(CPI)分別是 66 與 102(2016 年為基期) ,阿美在 1990 年買一個 肉粽需 40 元,在 2020 年買了一個肉粽需 60 元,下列敘述何者正確?(四捨五入,取至小數點以下兩位)
(A) 1990 年的肉粽,在 2016 年需花新臺幣 58.82 元
(B) 2020 年的肉粽,在 2016 年需花新臺幣 60.61 元
(C) 1990 年的肉粽,在 2020 年需花新臺幣 61.82 元
(D)與 2020 年相比,1990 年買一個肉粽相對便宜


16. Corals(珊瑚), in both tropical and temperate regions, host about 25 percent of the world’s marine species and are _____ to the sustainability of other ecosystems.
(A) void
(B) vital
(C) viral
(D) virtual


44 有關行政訴訟閱覽卷宗之規範,下列何者錯誤?
(D)行政訴訟法第 44 條之輔助參加人不得聲請閱覽卷宗


42 關於通貨膨脹,下列敘述何者錯誤?


41 Michelle _______ in all sports, but she hated studying and barely passed her classes.
(A) excelled
(B) excited
(C) endured
(D) equipped


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題 
     Recently economists looked at the relationship between pupils’ month of birth and their schoolperformance. It was found that among fourth graders, the oldest children scored on math and readingsomewhere between four and twelve percentile points better than the youngest children. That can beexplained as a “huge effect.” It means that if you take two intellectually    21      fourth graders with birthdaysat opposite ends of the cutoff date, the older student could score in the eightieth percentile,    22    theyounger one could score in the sixty-eighth percentile. That’s the difference between    23    for a giftedprogram or not. The economists said, “We do ability grouping early on in childhood. We have advancedreading groups and advanced math groups. So, early on, if we look at young kids, in kindergarten and firstgrade, the teachers are    24    maturity with ability. And they put the old kids in the advanced stream,where they learn better skills; and the next year, because they are in the higher groups, they do even better;and in the next year, the same thing happens, and they do even better again. The only country we don’tsee this going on is Denmark.” Denmark waits to make selection decisions until maturity differences byage have      25   . This is because they have a national policy where they have no ability grouping untilthe age of ten.

(A) different
(B) equivalent
(C) redundant
(D) efficient


16 假設原先政府預算平衡,後來由於支出增加而有預算赤字,則可貸資金市場均衡會如何變動?


17 假設貨幣政策有效。根據流動性偏好理論(theory of liquidity preference),在其他條件不變下,下列何者一定會使均衡名目利率水準下降?


5 如果 A 國可以生產 6 萬部腳踏車及 8 萬部電視,也可以生產 7 萬部腳踏車及 8 萬部電視,下列敘述何者正確?
(A) 6 萬部腳踏車及 8 萬部電視一定落在生產可能曲線上
(B) 6 萬部腳踏車及 8 萬部電視一定沒有落在生產可能曲線上
(C) 7 萬部腳踏車及 8 萬部電視一定落在生產可能曲線上
(D) 7 萬部腳踏車及 8 萬部電視一定沒有落在生產可能曲線上


26 債務人給付遲延時,債權人的「契約解除權」性質為何?


43 依我國現行土地稅法規定,下列有關一般土地之地價稅稅率的敘述,何者 錯誤?
(D)分為 6 級稅率


25 有關損失補償與國家賠償制度之敘述,下列何者正確?
(A) 損失補償與國家賠償均屬公法爭議,依法由普通法院民事庭管轄
(B) 國家給付人民補償或賠償後,均得對故意或重大過失之公務員行使求償權
(C) 人民因國家公權力合法行使而受有特別犧牲時,國家應負賠償責任
(D) 國家之損失補償責任不以公務員有故意或過失為要件


1 若公司盈餘全數會用於投資,今有一政府投資計畫之資金來自提高公司所得稅,則此公共計畫之折現率為:


13 在現行憲政體制下,下列何者非司法院院長的職權?


38 In general, people in______time eat too much fat, so they need to do enough exercise to stay healthy.
(A) lonely
(B) modern
(C) complete
(D) standard


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
        When he moved from South Africa to New York City, Norman Rosenthal, a psychiatrist, noticed he felt more depressed during the cold, short days of the city’s winters than he had in his home country. Years later, he published the first paper to scientifically name the winter blues: Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Subsequent studies have found that the seasonal depression affects those in northern latitudes more and that about 10 percent of SAD sufferers have symptoms in the summertime instead.          The most commonly reported symptoms of winter depression are hypersomnia, the desire to sleep more than usual, as well as an increased appetite and lack of interest in things. According to experts, most people experience symptoms in young adulthood, but SAD can begin at any stage of life. The condition also varies by sex. About three times as many women as men get SAD.
       But why does less daylight make some people clinically depressed? One leading theory is that the change in daylight disrupts our bodies' release of melatonin, a hormone the brain releases every night to promote sleep. As the supply of daylight dwindles in winter, melatonin may wear off later. That means in the morning the body is still in a state of biological night. As for summer SAD, triggers might include the heat and humidity. Instead of feeling lethargic, summer SAD patients more often feel irritable and agitated.
       Experts say a professional diagnosis is a crucial first step toward treatment and self-diagnosis is not suggested. One common treatment is sitting in front of a bright box of light for 30 minutes to signal to the body that it’s time to wake up. But the drawback to light boxes is that they only work on the day that you use them, so you need to use them daily. Another treatment that may have longer lasting benefits is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), a form of talk therapy. As negative thinking tends to breed negative emotions, CBT aims to encourage more neutral thoughts. For example, “I hate winter” might be reframed as “winter isn’t my favorite season, but I still find things to enjoy.” Moreover, finding wintertime hobbies may also help. People with SAD often have hobbies that are summer specific, such as growing gardens or beach going. Instead of hibernating under a blanket, people are encouraged to find indoor hobbies, such as knitting, reading, or going to the gym, to boost their mood. Whether using light or talk therapy, there is no reason to not seek mental health treatment, even if symptoms are only present for a few months out of the year.

【題組】50 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) SAD affects men more than women.
(B) Summer SAD is less common than winter SAD.
(C) Winter depression is often triggered by humidity.
(D) Sufferers of winter depression are likely to lose appetite.


6 關於傳統特別權力關係理論,下列敘述何者錯誤?


22 若中央銀行在公開市場向商業銀行買入國庫券,下列敘述何者正確?


       Memorizing information is something we all need to do. There are __(31)__ ways to improve our memory, one of which is known as mind-mapping. A mind map is like a __(32)__ of thoughts, starting from a single idea, and spreading __(33)__ to new ideas, showing the connections between them. The theory behind it is that by drawing the map on paper, we are made to __(34)__ the information clearly. Later as we look at the mind map again and again, we __(35)__ our knowledge of the information and then memorize it.
(A) drill
(B) diagram
(C) frontier
(D) machine


7 有關完全競爭市場,下列敘述何者錯誤?


24 衛生福利部為因應新冠肺炎之全球大流行,發布下列公告:「於醫院服務之醫事人員及社工人員禁止前往 第三級旅遊警告地區,因會議、公務或其他特殊原因欲前往者,應經所屬醫院報衛生福利部同意。」上述公告之行政行為性質為何?


40 Lack of sleep can lead to ______ during the day and reduce one’s concentration.
(A) affection
(B) opposition
(C) irrigation
(D) exhaustion


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆法學知識(包括中華民國憲法、法學緒論) - 公職◆英文 - 經濟學 - 財政學 - 公職◆行政法(包含行政程序法等)2024~2022難度:(3641~3665)-阿摩線上測驗
