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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆法學知識(包括中華民國憲法、法學緒論) - 公職◆英文 - 經濟學 - 財政學 - 公職◆行政法(包含行政程序法等)2024~2022難度:(3766~3790)
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38 ______ my mother, washing clothes by hand is better than using a washing machine.
(A) According to
(B) Looking over
(C) Responding to
(D) Speaking of


3 依司法院大法官解釋,下列何者無助於政黨政治之發展?


31 公務員就同一職務上行為同時向數人索賄,應如何論罪?


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題
        A new mother finally gets her baby to sleep and steps into a hot shower — with her glasses on. At a familybarbecue she can’t __36__ the name of a relative she rarely sees. Many women experience “mommy brain”as a(n) __37__ , the lost ability to remember people’s names or keep their attention undivided. __38__ sciencereminds us that if we look at the changes without judgment, we may find that they come with advantages. Astudy found that even two years __39__ pregnancy, women had brain changes in regions involved in theability to understand what is going on in the mind of another person, strengthening a mother’s ability to pickup on a baby’s __40__ communications through facial expressions and gestures.

(A) sensible
(B) revolutionary
(C) nonverbal
(D) nonexistent


1 依憲法增修條文規定,關於立法委員之產生方式,下列敘述何者錯誤?
(A)自第 7 屆起原住民立委共 6 人
(B)自第 7 屆起全國不分區及僑居國外國民代表共 34 人
(C)立法院立法委員自第 7 屆起 113 人


46 有關「刑之酌科及加減」之敘述,下列何者正確?


28 依行政罰法,關於物之扣留,下列敘述何者正確?


28 下列何者非屬行政事實行為?


6 關於行政機關管轄權之敘述,下列何者正確?
(A)在法律規定有中央主管機關與地方主管機關之層級管轄情形,地方自治團體可於自治條例中決 定其執行機關


27 下列何者非屬事實行為?


15 號稱「肥咖法案」的美國「外國帳戶稅收遵從法」(FATCA),強調下列何種租稅原則?


請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題 
     The process for awarding host city honors came under intense scrutiny after Salt Lake City had beenawarded the right to host the 2002 Olympic Games. Soon after the host city had been announced, it wasdiscovered that the organizers had engaged in an elaborate bribery scheme to     31   with IOC(International Olympic Committee) officials. Gifts and other financial considerations were given to thosewho would evaluate and vote on Salt Lake City’s bid. These gifts included medical treatment for relatives,a college scholarship for one member’s son and a land deal in Utah. Even IOC president Juan AntonioSamaranch received two rifles    32   $2,000. Samaranch defended the gift as inconsequential since, aspresident, he was a non-voting member. 
     The subsequent investigation has uncovered inconsistencies in the bids for every Olympics (bothSummer and Winter) since 1988.   33   , the gifts received by IOC members from the JapaneseOrganizing Committee for Nagano’s bid for the 1998 Winter Olympics were described by the investigationcommittee as “astronomical.” Although nothing strictly illegal had been done, the IOC feared thatcorporate sponsors would lose faith in the integrity of the process and that the Olympic brand would betarnished to such an extent   34   advertisers would begin to pull their support. The investigation resulted in the expulsion of 10 IOC members and the sanctioning of another 10.New terms and age limits were established for IOC membership, and 15 former Olympic athletes wereadded to the committee. Stricter rules for future bids were imposed, with   35      imposed on the valueof gifts IOC members could accept from bid cities.

(A) as
(B) so
(C) that
(D) until


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題 
     Some economists have pointed out that in a knowledge-based economy, the most valuable commodity is not information, but attention. Michael Goldhaber (1997) proposed that we are not so much living in an information economy, as in an attention economy, where value is created from the exchange of attention and “[w]hat matters is seeking, obtaining and paying attention.” Digital media and the internet facilitate participation in this economy, by creating new channels for distributing attention. In order to get attention, you have to give attention; otherwise, your audience will lose interest and take their attention elsewhere. This is an important point for advertisers, especially those launching social media campaigns. The emphasis is on developing new kinds of relationships with customers, and in many cases, moving towards engaging customers in the design of products for themselves.
    Goldhaber notes that some people (he calls them “stars”) are better at attracting attention than others (he calls them “fans”). Stars are able to command more attention partly because they pay illusory attention to fans; that is, they give the illusion of personal attention even though they are addressing a large audience. Goldhaber illustrates this concept with the example of a presenter at a conference, who, while talking to a large crowd, makes eye contact with individuals in that crowd. In digital media, social media tools like Twitter and Facebook provide opportunities to pay illusory attention.
    If you accept the idea of an attention economy with attention as the valued commodity, then you have to adjust your ways of thinking about certain concepts. For example, our traditional way of thinking of privacy as freedom from the public gaze is not especially appropriate for people participating in an attention economy. People have to be “out there” in order to attract attention. In addition, intellectual property laws that forbid people from copying and distributing a creator’s work also seem out of place. This kind of copying and distributing draws attention to the creator, thus increasing their “wealth” in the attention economy. In other words, wealth comes not from the exchange of “intellectual property,” but from the exchange of attention.

【題組】40 Which of the following can be the main idea of the passage?
(A) Attention has been considered the most valuable commodity in an economy based on knowledge.
(B) The fans will no longer take a strong interest in their stars if they do not get enough attention.
(C) A knowledge-based economy accumulates wealth on the exchange of information.
(D) Intellectual property laws have forbidden people from copying and distributing a creator’s work.


10. Taking trips abroad was _____ a luxury that only wealthy families could enjoy.
(A) thought once was
(B) once to think as
(C) thought once be as
(D) once thought to be


       Space X—the American technology company—launched 60 satellites into space in January 2020. Space X plans to create a network of 12,000 satellites. The company says that the network, known as Starlink, will help provide better Internet service to remote parts of the world. But astronomers say the growing number of satellites orbiting the Earth is making it harder for them to observe and learn from the universe.
        Satellites are made of metal that reflects sunlight. This makes them show up in the night sky as bright, slow-moving dots. After the launch, the Starlink satellites appeared in images taken by telescopes and deep-space cameras as a line of bright lights flying across the sky. Astronomers learn about space by using large telescopes and special cameras to observe light coming from very far away. The information they collect can help them understand things like how galaxies are formed or which planets might be able to support life.
        Some astronomers also use radio telescopes, which record radio waves coming from space. This makes it possible to study things that give off low energy and would not show up as light—like dust and gases. In April 2019, astronomers used information collected by several radio telescopes to produce the first image of a black hole. Large groups of satellites—known as “satellite constellations”—give off radio signals of their own and reflect radio waves coming from Earth. These extra signals interfere with radio waves coming from further away in the galaxy. While it might be possible to build satellites with surfaces that don’t reflect light, it will be very difficult to make satellites that don’t interfere with radio waves.

【題組】24. How are the second and third paragraphs related to the first paragraph?
(A) They give examples of the benefit described in the first paragraph.
(B) They provide details on an issue mentioned at the end of the first paragraph.
(C) They each describe a solution to the problem mentioned at the end of the first paragraph.
(D) They explain a term that appears in the first paragraph.


5 長期下,若廠商選擇在長期平均成本線最低點生產,則我們稱之為生產效率(production efficiency)。下列那些市場結構之長期均衡具生產效率?①完全競爭市場 ②寡占市場 ③獨占市場 ④獨占性競爭市場




請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題:
       Parents and educators are best positioned to help kids deal with information-quality issues. Children need to be taught critical skills in general.   31   suggests that as they learn these skills, they are better able to make   32   of information online as well as offline. We don’t need to teach them anything   33   new.But the need for critical thinking is even greater now than it was decades ago, when kids had library cards instead of Web   34   . The material at the library was already hand-picked for its suitability and   35   . We need to teach kids these skills earlier, and in ways that work for them in the digital environment as well as in traditional environments.

(A) Evidence
(B) Accusation
(C) Quality
(D) Quantity


7 麵包的市場需求函數為:QD = 120 - 6P + 2PB + 0.5I,其中 P 為麵包的市場價格,PB為饅頭的市場價格,I 為平均每人所得。若是 P = $15,PB = $10, I = $300,則麵包需求的價格彈性、所得彈性與對饅頭價格的交叉價格彈性分別為:
(B) 0.1、0.75、0.45
(C) 0.75、0.45、-0.1


28 下列何者不構成行政罰?
(A)當事人隨地吐檳榔汁,主管機關命其接受 4 小時之戒檳班講習


21 有關雇主與勞工為離職後競業禁止之約定,下列何者非屬勞動基準法第 9 條之 1 規定?


22 關於行政訴訟「確認訴訟」類型之敘述,下列何者錯誤?


25 有關損失補償與國家賠償制度之敘述,下列何者正確?


6 屏東縣政府將原住民慶典活動委由該縣牡丹鄉辦理,此種情形屬於下列何者?
(A) 權限委任


19 依行政程序法之規定,下列何種行為不適用行政程序法的程序規定?


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆法學知識(包括中華民國憲法、法學緒論) - 公職◆英文 - 經濟學 - 財政學 - 公職◆行政法(包含行政程序法等)2024~2022難度:(3766~3790)-阿摩線上測驗
