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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆法學知識(包括中華民國憲法、法學緒論) - 公職◆英文 - 經濟學 - 財政學 - 公職◆行政法(包含行政程序法等)2024~2022難度:(3816~3840)
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7 The exact cause of the equipment failure is unclear and remains to be _____.
(A) clarified
(B) pacified
(C) rectified
(D) modified


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
         Ernest Shackleton was a British explorer who led three expeditions to the South Pole during the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration. His voyages to the South Pole have acquired epic status and he is considered one of Britain's greatest explorers. Shackleton was born on 15 February 1874 in Ireland. His family moved to London where he was educated. He then joined the merchant navy when he was 16. In 1898, he qualified as a master mariner and was keen to explore the poles.
         In 1901, Shackleton was chosen to go on the Antarctic expedition led by British naval officer Robert Falcon Scott. Shackleton and Scott trekked towards the South Pole, which had yet to be reached by humans, in extremely difficult conditions. They got closer than anyone had come before, but Shackleton fell seriously ill and had to return home.
         In 1908, Shackleton was able to persuade wealthy backers to fund his own expedition, so he could return to the Antarctic as the leader of his own expedition. The expedition made many important scientific discoveries and set a record by coming even closer to the South Pole than before. The success of the expedition earned Shackleton knighthood on his return to Britain.
          Shackleton made his third trip to the Antarctic with the ship 'Endurance' in 1914, an expedition that has acquired epic status. The plan was to cross Antarctica via the South Pole but in early in 1915, the ship became trapped in the ice, and ten months later sank. The crew had already abandoned the ship and set off in three small boats, to Elephant Island. From there six crew members including Shackleton and the captain planned to sail to South Georgia to get help. They used a lifeboat across the treacherous seas of the South Atlantic. They managed to reach the island of South Georgia and were able to get help from the Chilean government. In August 1916, the men left behind on Elephant Island were rescued. In the end, Shackleton was able to lead all 27 of his men to safety.
          After World War I was over, Shackleton organized another expedition, which aimed to circumnavigate the Antarctic continent. But on 5 January 1922 he died of a heart attack off South Georgia and was buried on the island.

【題組】46 What is the most appropriate title for the passage?
(A) The Discovery of the South Pole.
(B) The Voyages of an Antarctic Explorer.
(C) British Explorers in the Nineteenth Century.
(D) The Sinking Ship in Antarctica.


20 依訴願法規定,下列何者得提起撤銷訴願?


11 依司法院釋字第 419 號解釋意旨,對於行政院院長非憲法上義務之辭職,總統之處理屬學理上所稱之下列 何者?


     Australia is literally a land apart. While it is attractive and welcoming to visitors, from the perspective of     46      they are very keen to keep themselves separate. Australia has had some bad experiences    47    misguidedly importing rabbits and cane toads into the country.    48    hence has become a major concern. The government maintains a data base of about 20,000 materials that have the potential to cause trouble and must be declared at the    49    . If you fail to declare them upon arrival, it is almost certain they will be confiscated and you may    50    have to paya fine up to $66,000. If you have declared all the items in the Incoming Passenger Card, then even if the goods are not permitted and must be confiscated, you will not be liable for a fine. The authorities are not unreasonable, just strict.

(A) resulted in
(B) derived from
(C) stemming out
(D) resulting from


11 國民年金保險的被保險人若是中度身心障礙者,其保險費如何負擔?


8 下列何者是影響某一商品供給的價格彈性的重要因素?


23 直轄市、縣(市)有不能履行償債義務之虞時,何機關可限制或停止其舉債?


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題
     Do you have a “  type  ”? Do you always find yourself with a certain type of partner? Whether we like it or not, most of us have a certain ‘type’ of person we usually date or are attracted to. It doesn’t need to be physical. It might be something about their energy, the way they hold themselves or the way they command attention when they enter the room. Whatever it is, we find ourselves drawn to this ‘type’ of person. If you’re lucky enough to go for the lovely person with a gentle soul ‘type’, then it’s probably unlikely you care about the fact you have a ‘type’. ‘Type’ awareness comes to our attention because nine out of the last ten relationships were really not that great!
    The reason why we    wind    up with the same ‘type’ or find ourselves in a familiar relationship dynamic dates back to our earliest relationships. As a young child, we developed defense mechanisms in order to help us cope with fear, pain or frustrating circumstances in our environment. These defenses were a key contributing factor to how we formed opinions of ourselves, others and relationships. Without realizing, we unconsciously seek out people whose behavior support these opinions and beliefs. If we have formed negative ideas about ourselves, for example “I’m unlovable” or “I’m unattractive,” we seek out people who reinforce these unconscious beliefs, even if in reality we don’t like it.
    So how do you stop yourself from falling for the usual ‘type’? First, start from working out why you are attracted to your ‘type’. Spend some time with yourself to try and discover your deep-seated beliefs that contributed to attracting your partners. When you invest time in exploring your early attachment patterns, you can start to identify some of the areas that lead you to develop a love for your ‘type’. Next, look at your relationship history. What negative traits, patterns or similarities do all your ex-partners share? Make comparisons, but don’t forget the more subtle emotional aspects. How did they treat you? How did they make you feel?
    Understanding what draws you to your ‘type’ takes some time. Rushing out to find a new, perfect partner that’s the total opposite of your usual type isn’t going to be the answer to your ‘type’ dilemma. Although this may be refreshing for a short period of time, it is unlikely to turn out to be a long-lasting relationship. 21 What does the word “type” mean in this passage?

【題組】21 What does the word “type” mean in this passage?
(A) People who like your beliefs.
(B) People who work with you.
(C) People who are familiar with you.
(D) People who share similar characteristics.


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
       Scientists say it could take at least 1,500 years before humans make contact with species of aliens, or for them to communicate with or find us. Astronomers from Cornell University in the USA combined two existing theories about the possibility of life existing on other planets to form a new equation. One of these theories is the Fermi Paradox described by physicist Enrico Fermi in 1950. This states that while billions of Earth-like planets exist in our galaxy, not one has made contact with Earth yet. The other is the mediocrity principle, which suggests that because there is life on Earth, it will typically exist on Earth-like planets throughout the universe.
       Study author Evan Solomonides will soon present a research paper on his theory. He said, “We haven’t heard from aliens yet, as space is a big place, but that doesn’t mean no one is out there.” According to Solomonides, extraterrestrials could have received signals from Earth. However, he proposes that ET would not have been able to decipher them. He said they would need to decode the light waves into sounds and analyze 3,000 human languages to understand any messages. He said that signals from Earth have only reached about 8,500 stars and that the Milky Way galaxy alone contains 200 billion stars. He added, “If we stop listening or looking, we may miss the signals. So we should keep looking.”

【題組】49 What could be the central message of the passage?
(A) Still more attempts need to be made to reach out to other planets in the Milky Way galaxy.
(B) Cornell astronomers might propose new forms of communication in our galaxy.
(C) Extraterrestrials from 8,500 stars might be speaking similar languages to those on Earth.
(D) Evan Solomonides will soon propose a theory to challenge the possibility of life on other planets.


32 下列關於生產要素之敘述,何者正確?
(A)生產要素的邊際產值(value of the marginal product of input factor)是生產要素的邊際生產力乘上該產品 的市場價格


41 依據勞動基準法之規定,派遣勞工得對要派單位所為之法律上主張,下列 何者錯誤?
(A)派遣事業單位積欠派遣勞工工資,經主管機關處罰或依勞動基準法第 27 條規定限期令其給付但屆期仍未給付時,勞工得請求要派單位給付工資
(B)要派單位使用派遣勞工發生職業災害時,派遣勞工得要求要派單位連帶 負勞動基準法所定雇主之職業災害補償責任
(C)派遣事業單位依勞動基準法第 11 條各款事由終止於派遣勞工間之勞動 契約時,派遣勞工得要求要派單位連帶負資遣費之給付責任
(D)要派單位於派遣事業單位與派遣勞工簽訂勞動契約前對於派遣勞工進 行面試,派遣勞工於要派單位提供勞務之日,得以書面向要派單位提出 訂定勞動契約之意思表示


9 He despised Pitt,___________ the similar views they both held.
(A) notwithstanding
(B) respecting
(C) honoring
(D) supposing




24 當要素市場為完全競爭時,下列何者並非成本極小化的必要條件?


18 甲積欠交通違規罰單新臺幣18,000元,主管機關經催繳後仍未繳納,移送行政執行。依行政執行法之規定,下列敘述何者正確?


19 下列何者為一家鋼鐵公司的固定成本?①每年捐助給員工工會 10,000 元的活動補助費 ②每年支付給會計師事務所的年費 5,000 元 ③每年支付給保險公司的年費 10,000 元


23 依憲法訴訟法之規定,關於「國家機關聲請法規範違憲」之「聲請人」,下列敘述何者錯誤?


23 下列何者不是監察院彈劾權之對象?


5 下列何者並不具有公課的性質?


23 根據交易方程式(equation of exchange) ,假設貨幣交易流通速度(transaction velocity of circulation of money)固定,當貨幣數量成為原來的 2 倍時,下列敘述何者正確?
(A)物價必定成為原來的 2 倍
(B)實質產出必定成為原來的 2 倍
(D)物價與實質總交易量的乘積變成原來的 2 倍


7 依司法院釋字第 705 號解釋意旨,財政部所作釋示有關捐贈列舉扣除額金額之計算,依財政部核定之標準認定,以及非屬公共設施保留地且情形特殊得專案報部核定,或依土地公告現值之百分之十六計算部分,係違反下列何者?


13 The _____ for this year’s GDP growth remain favorable, although the growth is likely to be at a slower pace.
(A) precisions
(B) precautions
(C) prospectus
(D) prospects


       Gender equality is a fundamental principle that advocates for equal rights, opportunities, andtreatment for individuals of all genders. It is a cornerstone of human rights and a crucial component ofsocial justice. Achieving gender equality is not just a matter of fairness; it has far-reaching benefits for society __31__ . In societies where gender equality is promoted and upheld, there is greater economic prosperity. When women have the same access __32__ education, employment opportunities, andleadership roles as men, it leads to increased productivity and innovation. Gender diversity in theworkplace fosters creativity and a wider range of perspectives, which can drive business success andsocietal progress. Moreover, gender equality is important for the well-being and empowerment ofindividuals. It ensures that all people, __33__ their gender identity, have the freedom to make choicesabout their lives, pursue their ambitions, and live free from discrimination and violence. Gender equalitypromotes physical and mental health, self-esteem and confidence. Despite significant progress, genderinequality __34__ in many parts of the world. Discrimination, gender-based violence, and disparitiesin education and employment opportunities continue to affect countless individuals. Achieving genderequality needs concerted efforts from governments, institutions, communities, and individuals. It involveschallenging stereotypes, addressing systemic biases, and creating policies and practices that promoteinclusivity and fairness. __35__ , gender equality is not just a goal; it is an important aspect of humanrights and social progress. When societies prioritize and work towards gender equality, everyone benefits,leading to a more just, prosperous, and harmonious world.

(A) with
(B) at
(C) to
(D) on


44 「邊際儲蓄傾向」的定義為何?


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆法學知識(包括中華民國憲法、法學緒論) - 公職◆英文 - 經濟學 - 財政學 - 公職◆行政法(包含行政程序法等)2024~2022難度:(3816~3840)-阿摩線上測驗
