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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆法學知識(包括中華民國憲法、法學緒論) - 公職◆英文 - 經濟學 - 財政學 - 公職◆行政法(包含行政程序法等)2024~2022難度:(3841~3865)
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17 對於一個小型開放經濟體系,下列敘述何者錯誤?
(A) J 曲線效果(J-curve effect)描述貨幣貶值初期會使貿易餘額(trade balance)惡化,但最終會改善貿易餘額
(B)在浮動匯率制度和國際資本不完全移動的小型開放經濟體系下,本國貨 幣的緊縮政策將導致本國貨幣升值
(D)若中央銀行不想讓本國貨幣貶值且沒有進行沖銷(sterilization),則中 央銀行透過外匯市場買入外國貨幣,將增加貨幣基數(monetary base)


46 下列有關契約成立之敘述,何者錯誤?
(B)當事人對於契約必要之點意思表示一致,而非必要之點未經表示意思 者,契約視為成立
(C)當事人對於契約必要之點意思表示與非必要之點意思表示不一致者,契 約不成立
(D)當事人對於契約必要之點意思表示一致,而非必要之點未經表示且嗣後 意思表示不一致時,法院依其事件之性質定契約成立與否


19 關於廠商長期與短期平均總成本之間的關係,下列何者正確?


16 立法院為落實兒童權利公約,制定兒童權利公約施行法,關於其法律屬性,下列敘述何者正確?


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題 
    Have you noticed the phenomenon of puppy dog eyes, the inner eyebrow raising movement of dogs? Do you believe it    41    for dogs to appeal to humans? Researchers dissected dog and wolf heads and found that the facial muscle anatomy of both animals was almost identical --    42    an eyebrow muscle, found only in dogs. The inner eyebrow raising movement makes the dogs’ eyes appear larger and more infant like,   43   prompts a “nurturing” response in humans. When dogs make the movement, it seems to elicit a strong desire in humans to   44   them. This would give the dogs that moved their eyebrows more a selection advantage over others, reinforcing the trait in   45   generations. The findings show how important faces can be in capturing our attention, and how powerful facial expression can be in social interaction.

(A) as well as
(B) except for
(C) in addition to
(D) such as


20. I think there is one key fact that you have overlooked.
(A) found
(B) emphasized
(D) looked up


36 Graham ignored me purposely and gave the honor to my opponent. It is obviously a _______ insult.


     Australia is literally a land apart. While it is attractive and welcoming to visitors, from the perspective of     46      they are very keen to keep themselves separate. Australia has had some bad experiences    47    misguidedly importing rabbits and cane toads into the country.    48    hence has become a major concern. The government maintains a data base of about 20,000 materials that have the potential to cause trouble and must be declared at the    49    . If you fail to declare them upon arrival, it is almost certain they will be confiscated and you may    50    have to paya fine up to $66,000. If you have declared all the items in the Incoming Passenger Card, then even if the goods are not permitted and must be confiscated, you will not be liable for a fine. The authorities are not unreasonable, just strict.

(A) safety
(B) nature
(C) variety
(D) ethnicity


18. The average starting salaries for business majors can vary depending on the individual, the job, and the school _____ the degree was earned.
(A) that
(B) which
(C) where
(D) when


37 Studies show that how a teacher_______ his classroom assessment policies not only influences what students learn but also how they learn.
(A) achieves
(B) prolongs
(C) implements
(D) succeeds




40 在相等絕對犧牲(equal absolute sacrifice)的課稅原則下,假設每人的效用函數相同,當所得邊際效用固定 時,下列敘述何者正確?
(A)每增加 1 元的所得對富人或窮人所帶來的邊際效用不一樣


3 討論財政分權議題時,相對於分權體制,下列何者為集權體制可能的優點?①不會有租稅輸出的 無效率租稅制度 ②公共財的提供較能享有規模經濟 ③可以有效率決定各地區的公共財規模 ④不會發生無效率的租稅競爭


22 依現行規定,關於考試院之組織,下列敘述何者錯誤?
(A)考試委員之名額,定為 7 人至 9 人
(B)考試院院長、副院長及考試委員之任期均為 4 年


27 以特約免除或限制承攬人關於工作之瑕疵擔保義務者,如承攬人故意不告知其瑕疵,其特約之效力?


19 解決日益嚴重的污染問題,政府可採行之經濟誘因制度不包括下列何者?


17 當經濟體系落入流動性陷阱時,下列三項敘述,正確的有幾項?①財政政策沒有排擠效果 ②貨幣需求的利率彈性為零 ③傳統貨幣政策最有效


14 關於附條件或附期限之行政處分,下列敘述何者正確?


37 Observe what I do______ , and you will see what I mean.
(A) nearly
(B) closely
(C) barely
(D) namely


39 The original Blu-ray DVDs and CDs are expensive, so there are many software______ selling DVDs and CDs in the night market.
(A) pigeons
(B) pillows
(C) pirates
(D) pieces


41 Patricia's recent behaviors have become so _____ that nobody can really understand what she is doing.
(A) integral
(B) lavish
(C) obscure
(D) relevant


47 依據行政罰法第5條規定,行為後法律若有變更,原則上適用最初裁處時之法律,但裁處前之法律有利於受處罰者時,應適用最有利於受處罰者之規定。以上之敘述係下列何一原則之例外?


44 I like to _____ on some healthy snacks like bananas or apples during my breaks at work.
(A) munch
(B) muster
(C) deliver
(D) devote


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題
We know that a lack of sleep will prevent your brain from being able to make new memories, so it’s __21__  withoutsleep the memory inbox of the brain shuts down and you can’t commit new experiences to memory. So thosenew __22__ informational emails are just bounced. You can’t essentially make and create those newmemories. We also know that a lack of sleep will __23__ an increased development of a toxic protein in thebrain and that is associated with Alzheimer’s disease. It is during deep sleep at night __24__ a sewage systemwithin the brain starts to wash away this toxic protein. So if you’re not getting __25__ sleep each and everynight, more of that Alzheimer’s-related protein will build up.

(A) restoring
(B) incoming
(C) storing
(D) outgoing


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
       The Giver is a story about a young boy called Jonas who lives in a society free of crime, suffering and sadness. There is no color, music or emotion, and individuality is prohibited. Everything is chosen; from your parents to your partner. At 12, children are assigned their jobs, which they will train for and do for the rest of their lives. Jonas is assigned to become the new Receiver of Memory, also known as the Giver. The Receiver holds all the bad and good memories of the past. In other words, no one in the community has any memory of humankind’s history.
       The storyline is complex enough to hold the attention of both young and old readers. The development of Jonas from a scared boy to someone willing to risk his future to save the community is enjoyable to follow. The story prompts us to reflect on the path of growing up. At first we are scared to accept that there are new responsibilities, but as we slowly get used to it, we want to move more and more away from childhood. What’s also impressive is Jonas’ loss of trust in his father. At the beginning, Jonas believes his parents completely. However, after the current Receiver shows Jonas the tape of his father killing and disposing of a new born child, Jonas loses his admiration of his father. This moment is what forces Jonas to leave the community. It is symbolic of the change from the innocent mind of a child into the questioning and educated mind of an adult.
        The ending is another aspect which makes this book interesting to read. There are two possible meanings behind the ending and readers have a choice in what it means: either Jonas freezes to death on the sled, or he has really found“ Elsewhere.” The ending shows us that, whatever happens, Jonas has made choices for himself rather than being told what to do.

【題組】47 According to the passage, which part of the book impresses the readers the most?
(A) Jonas’ regret for assisting his father doing his job.
(B) Jonas’ determination to leave the community that abandons him.
(C) Jonas’ change from an innocent boy to an insightful young man.
(D) Jonas’ conquer of his fear of taking over the role of the Receiver.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆法學知識(包括中華民國憲法、法學緒論) - 公職◆英文 - 經濟學 - 財政學 - 公職◆行政法(包含行政程序法等)2024~2022難度:(3841~3865)-阿摩線上測驗
