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阿摩:一個人的成功絕不是個人的努力 而是別人給予的助力
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試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 嘉義市立大業實驗國民中學教師甄選:英語科#115141
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1. The manager praised the team for their ________ efforts in completing the project ahead of schedule.
(A) diligent
(B) spontaneous
(C) erratic
(D) lethargic


2. The environmental organization is dedicated to ________ the protection of endangered species.
(A) advocating
(B) jeopardizing
(C) neglecting
(D) suppressing


3. The novel’s intricate plot and well-developed characters make it a ________ read.
(A) captivating
(B) monotonous
(C) trivial
(D) superficial


4. The chef’s sumptuous culinary creations are known for their ________ flavors and innovative combinations.
(A) exquisite
(B) mediocre
(C) bland
(D) repulsive


5. Unlike creative abilities that involve the exploration of many possibilities, ________ thinking focuses on developing a single, unambiguous solution.
(A) differentiated
(B) convergent
(C) divergent
(D) correlative


6. Self-directed learning is crucial in the development of students’ learning ________.
(A) automaticity
(B) automobility
(C) autonomy
(D) autocracy


7. The hotel burned to the ground following the disastrous ________.
(A) consolidation
(B) conciliation
(C) concomitancy
(D) conflagration


8. The strategy of considering several alternatives until an acceptable but sub-optimal solution is found is often referred to by the portmanteau ________.
(A) synergy
(B) synchronicity
(C) satisficing
(D) satisfactory


9. Guttenberg’s invention of the printing press contributed greatly to the ________ of knowledge during the Renaissance.
(A) impression
(B) dissemination
(C) extrapolation
(D) inauguration


10. Teachers and students work together to ________ meaning through collaboration and communication.
(A) instruct
(B) obstruct
(C) co-construct
(D) destruct

11( ).

Reading A 
          The role of oral proficiency among students of foreign languages is regarded as highly important. In order to address certain limitations of classroom-based instruction, there has been an increase in the adoption of technologies and related strategies utilizing computer-mediated communication. The importance of authenticity and structure in synchronous computer mediated communication (SCMC) via online discussions has been established by previous research. As such, scaffolding and facilitation are necessary for SCMC technologies, such as teleconferencing, to effectively enhance oral proficiency. Empirical research has confirmed the effectiveness of facilitated online discussions using structured, authentic, and scaffolded activities. However, while participants reported positive results in terms of oral proficiency, disadvantages were discovered. Based on content analysis of stakeholder feedback, four key themes have emerged from the data.
          The lack of a video component to SCMC sessions was noted as a disadvantage, at least compared to traditional face-to-face conversations. Body language and facial expressions are important components of communication. In addition to important visual cues from body language and facial expressions, which are missing in voice-based SCMC activities, multimedia components impact the degree to which participants are able to express and explain their points of view.
          Attendance was raised as another important issue, as it was often difficult to reach a compromise on a time that was acceptable for all participants. One solution may be the use of an asynchronous voice-based platform for supporting interactions using audio posts. While synchronous activities have many potential advantages for learning, some studies have noted that attendance and convenience are factors highly valued in asynchronous contexts.
         Related to insufficient visual cues and face-to-face interaction was a resulting lack of a sense of connection or community among group members. Although there was the opportunity to discuss thematic materials online, there was less personal interaction and, as a result, poor group cohesion. One solution lies in the integration of social networking elements, which can be incorporated into online platforms that support the use of various tools for sharing, connecting, and providing feedback. Recent research has also confirmed that social networking tools have an impact on supportive interaction, emotion, perceived support, and sense of community.
         Finally, lack of preparation was another factor impacting the efficacy of technologies for enhancing oral proficiency. While students were provided with the materials and instructions necessary to prepare for online discussions, some students had difficulties responding to unexpected questions or “free talk” scenarios in synchronous discussions. Sufficient time to develop a response, seek out supporting information, and rehearse their response or feedback to peers may provide participants with a distinct advantage by scaffolding them in participating in authentic synchronous discussions.

【題組】11. Which of the following is the main idea of the article?
(A) Technology solves students’ oral proficiency issues.
(B) Despite several benefits, there are certain disadvantages to SCMC.
(C) Students should practice more before joining online chats.
(D) Video and multimedia functions are fundamental for effective online interaction.

12( ).

【題組】12. Which of the following claims is NOT implied by the article?
(A) Technology for language learning is increasingly popular.
(B) The effectiveness of SCMC activities is impeded by scheduling conflicts.
(C) Interpersonal elements are important considerations when designing online activities.
(D) Meeting face-to-face is more effective than meeting online.

13( ).

【題組】13. Based on the context, which of the following is the best explanation of the term “asynchronous.”
(A) Not simultaneous
(B) Not offline
(C) Not online
(D) Not interactive

14( ).

【題組】14. Which statement would best serve as a concluding sentence for this article?
(A) Technology is a valuable asset, which could replace authentic communication in the future.
(B) Integrating asynchronous functions may help to resolve issues with SCMC.
(C) Visuals, personal contact, and preparation are fundamental elements of language learning.
(D) Oral proficiency is a valuable skill for the 21st century and must be our top priority.

15( ).

【題組】15. What is the most likely source of this article?
(A) A textbook on educational technology
(B) A teacher’s blog
(C) A Master’s thesis
(D) A government policy paper

16( ).

Reading B 
         The treatment of intangible assets in the field of accounting has been steadily gaining attention. By applying a resource-based view of the firm, intangible resources can be seen as the fundamental drivers of a firm’s sustained profitability. Evidence suggests that firm intangibility is positively related to the persistence of firm-specific profits. However, there is a current lack of guidance and regulation for the disclosure and reporting of financial data concerning investments in intangibles. In addition, there is a general lack of international harmonization of such standards.
          This problem can be approached from the perspective of innovation, which suggests that the economic properties of intangible assets are not reflected in current accounting principles. There is certainly a great deal of room for improvement in current standards, but some general guidelines have been developed. 
          We must first begin by defining intangible assets. Intangible assets are largely defined by a lack of physical substance. For example, accounts receivable and financial investments lack such a physical substance but are nevertheless classified as tangible assets on the balance sheet. This is why it is required that intangible assets be “non-monetary.” This assures that the asset itself is not a financial instrument or cash equivalent. 
          The International Accounting Standards clearly define three fundamental requirements for intangible assets that must be considered for accounting purposes. First, the asset must be identifiable. The intangible asset must be distinct from other assets, meaning that it could, theoretically, be separately identified and sold or transferred to another firm. 
         Secondly, the asset must be controllable, meaning that legal rights of ownership are clear and defensible. Additionally, the firm must be able to exert some degree of control over the intangible asset, in order for it to be considered an asset. The controllability requirement ensures that direct manipulation of the asset is possible, and that the asset is not merely at the whim of external variability or instability.             The third fundamental requirement is that future economic benefits exist, if the intangible asset’s benefits are related to either revenue or cost savings. As with physical assets, such as manufacturing equipment, the ability of the asset to generate income is a fundamental accounting requirement. Assets, by definition, must have either a commercial or exchange value.

【題組】16. According to the article, which of the following would be classified as an intangible asset?
(A) Inventory
(B) A trademark
(C) A stock certificate
(D) Equipment

17( ).

【題組】17. Based on the context, which of the following is the best substitute for the term “harmonization?”
(A) Correlation
(B) Obligation
(C) Utilization
(D) Standardization

18( ).

【題組】18. Which of the following was NOT mentioned in the article?
(A) The role of intangible assets in terms of a firm’s profitability.
(B) The importance of an intangible asset’s stability.
(C) The costs of intangible assets.
(D) The transferability of intangible assets.

19( ).

【題組】19. What is the most likely purpose of this article?
(A) To outline issues related to the definitions and guidelines for intangible assets
(B) To compare different types of intangible assets and their values
(C) To provide a summary of progress being made in the accounting field
(D) To convince firms to assess and report their intangible assets accurately

20( ).

【題組】20. What is the most likely target audience of this article?
(A) Trademark designers
(B) Equipment manufacturers
(C) Accounting academics
(D) Branding managers

21( ).

21. Writing therapy ________ a process of investigation about personal thoughts and feelings using the act of writing as an instrument.
(A) is defined as
(B) is defined to
(C) is defiant
(D) will define into

22( ).

22. Over the past 20 years, a growing body of literature has demonstrated the beneficial effects that talking about traumatic or stressful events ________ physical and emotional health.
(A) has on
(B) to have in
(C) within
(D) having

23( ).

23. Every stroke of ink, ________ the poet’s profound understanding of the human experience, painted vivid portraits of joy, sorrow, love, and longing.
(A) guiding by
(B) guiding through
(C) guided by
(D) guided onto

24( ).

24. Athletes train their bodies rigorously ________ musicians practice their instruments diligently.
(A) so much to the point that
(B) in the same way that
(C) in other way where
(D) once upon a time when

25( ).

25. ________, the firefighters and paramedics were able to safely extricate all passengers from the bus.
(A) In the ultimate
(B) As the ultimate
(C) Ultimate
(D) Ultimately

26( ).

26. While preparing language assessment activities, teachers must ________ issues related to validity and authenticity.
(A) take into account
(B) account by
(C) accurately account
(D) account

27( ).

27. Oral fluency is a vital language skill ________ sufficient input and output.
(A) requiring
(B) having required
(C) requires
(D) required

28( ).

28. It is important not only to co-prepare with subject teachers, ________ also to co-assess students.
(A) and
(B) but
(C) however
(D) or

29( ).

29. Scarcely had I arrived at the post office ________ I remembered that I had left my wallet at home.
(A) that
(B) than
(C) when
(D) then

30( ).

30. It is important to regain control ________ the bureaucrats who have enacted legislation contrary to the wishes of the people.
(A) to
(B) by
(C) for
(D) from

31( ).

Cloze A
         The important role of self-determination theory and its three core elements of autonomy, competence, and relatedness on learners’ anxiety has often __31__ evaluated from the perspective of basic psychological need satisfaction. __32__ , ongoing research is investigating the role of autonomy, competence, and relatedness in terms of learning engagement among limited English proficiency students. However, this focus, which is primarily concerned with the satisfaction of psychological needs, has tended to neglect the impact of psychological need thwarting (PNT). In fact, evaluating the construct of PNT in the context of remedial English instruction may __33__ important findings and implications for designing instructional interventions for students who are struggling with English. Self-determination theory emphasizes the importance of connectedness (relatedness or social awareness) and other specific __34__ such as autonomy (including selfawareness and self-management). One relevant example is that of “advising” remedial learners, based on self-determination theory, which emphasizes __35__ self-reflection and self-regulation.

(A) being
(B) had
(C) been
(D) was

32( ).

(A) Otherwise
(B) Likewise
(C) Contrary
(D) Then

33( ).

(A) declassify
(B) commemorate
(C) satiate
(D) yield

34( ).

(A) competencies
(B) deficiencies
(C) efficiencies
(D) autocracies

35( ).

(A) promote
(B) the promotion
(C) promotion
(D) promoting

36( ).

Cloze B
           In recent years, several projects in Taiwan have been proposed for implementing English across the curriculum, starting at the primary school level. In the past, content and language integrated learning (CLIL) has been utilized with a certain degree of success at the __36__ level, including graduate and post-graduate programs. Regardless, there is an ongoing debate about this particular approach, which places equal emphasis __37__ the language of instruction (which, in Taiwan, is most commonly English) and the subject content being taught. In fact, students, parents, and teachers __38__ are concerned whether CLIL programs are appropriate or feasible for primary or secondary school classrooms. __39__ , despite these concerns, over the past few years, there has been an increasing emphasis on the CLIL pedagogy and bilingual or immersion instruction at the policy level, and several related projects are being implemented at both local and national levels. In some parts of the country, “English Only” policies are being implemented, based on the perceived value attached to increased exposure to English, particularly from native speaking teachers. However, an overemphasis on “immersive” approaches contradicts empirical findings regarding the important role of __40__ first language use in CLIL classrooms.

(A) auxiliary
(B) tertiary
(C) evidentiary
(D) continental

37( ).

(A) of
(B) on
(C) for
(D) from

38( ).

(A) every
(B) same
(C) alike
(D) akin

39( ).

(A) Therefore
(B) As such
(C) Accordingly
(D) Nevertheless

40( ).

(A) students’
(B) students
(C) student’s
(D) a student

41( ).

41. Which of the following terms means the smallest unit of meaning in a language?
(A) Phoneme
(B) Morpheme
(C) Syllable
(D) Lemma

42( ).

42. Which of the following is a type of connected speech?
(A) Catenation
(B) Elision
(C) Assimilation
(D) All of the above

43( ).

43. Which scholar is most closely associated with “dynamic assessment?”
(A) Urie Bronfenbrenner
(B) John Dewey
(C) Noam Chomsky
(D) Lev Vygotsky

44( ).

44. Which of the following teaching methodologies focuses on integrating language learning with content from other academic subjects?
(A) Content-based instruction
(B) Communicative language teaching
(C) Cross-cultural communication
(D) Problem-based learning

45( ).

45. Which of the following statements best reflects the use of task-based language teaching (TBLT)?
(A) Feedback and correction can improve students’ accuracy.
(B) Fluency can be improved through repeated and mechanical practices.
(C) Students can use language authentically when focused on completing meaningful activities.
(D) All of the above

46( ).

46. Which of the following statements is FALSE about content and language integrated learning (CLIL) implementation?
(A) The instructional language includes English and students’ first language.
(B) Subject teachers need to prioritize students’ English proficiency growth.
(C) English serves as a tool for students to understand academic content.
(D) Visual and verbal scaffolds are imperative to ensure the quality of teaching.

47( ).

47. Listening comprehension training is challenging because spoken language has lots of ________ which makes it difficult for language learners, such as “Howdy!” for “How are you doing?” (at the phonological level) or “How’s the weather today?” with the reply “Unpleasant” (at the syntactic level).
(A) rate of delivery
(B) clustering
(C) intonation
(D) reduced forms

48( ).

48. English learners often find the use of prepositions confusing. Teachers can assign students to collect authentic data to examine if there are patterns in the structure of the target language. This way learners can become aware of appropriate usage within real-world contexts. Which of the following best describes this approach?
(A) Performance-based assessment
(B) Corpus-aided learning
(C) Top-down processing
(D) Schemata activation

49( ).

49. Teachers hoping to improve their students’ use of spoken language often adopt activities such as read aloud, choral reading, or readers’ theater. Which of the following measures is appropriate for assessing students’ oral reading fluency?
(A) Words correct per minute
(B) Error rate
(C) Prosody
(D) All of the above

50( ).

50. Teachers must prepare scaffolding activities in order to facilitate students’ acquisition of receptive language. Taking into account issues of comprehensibility, which of Krashen’s hypotheses introduces the concept of “i+1” for the design of scaffolding activities?
(A) Input hypothesis
(B) Monitor hypothesis
(C) Natural order hypothesis
(D) Affective filter hypothesis

試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 嘉義市立大業實驗國民中學教師甄選:英語科#115141-阿摩線上測驗
