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第 41 題至第 45 題為題組 
  Hot pot is an easy way to make a meal during the winter. It’s a favorite meal in Asia. You can choose the food to cook in it and also the  41  of soup you want. You will cook all the food in the soup in the pot. When the soup  42  , you can begin cooking the food. Let the food cook  43  about 10 minutes. When the food is done, use your chopsticks or a spoon to put the food in a bowl. When you eat your food, you can add  44  kinds of sauces. After you eat all the food in the hot pot, don’t forget the soup! It will taste very good after you cook your vegetables and meat in it. A hot pot meal is a good time for friends and family to  45  to eat and talk, so don’t eat quickly!

(A) kind
(B) race
(C) meat
(D) bean


47. Waiter: Are you ready to order? 
Daniel: __________ We want to discuss it first.
(A) A bottle of the house white, please.
(B) Medium rare, please.
(C) Not quite-just give us a minute or two.
(D) No, thanks, could you bring the bill, please?


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