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5. Mike’s parents tried to ________ him to give up the idea of going abroad, but he was too stubborn to listen.
(A) persuade
(B) fascinate
(C) appreciate
(D) contaminate


You like this movie, and ________.
(A) so do I
(B) so am I
(C) neither do I
(D) neither am I


Taiwan is famous for its ________ industry. Many foreigners are using computers made in Taiwan.
(A) farming
(B) business
(C) education
(D) technology


23. I’d ________ play football than watch it.
(A) better
(C) rather
(D) faster


5. Poor Mr. Smith became the latest ______ of a swindle group, and all his money was gone.
(A) victim
(B) excuse
(C) mentor
(D) criminal


14. In swimming across the lake, he was exhausted and ________ drowned.


26. _________ proposed the great idea.
(A)He was the one that
(B) Who was he that
(C) It was he that
(D) He was who that


30 No matter how difficult the situation was, she still ________to her principles.
(A) stick
(B) stuck
(C) strike

9( ).

四、閱讀測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案】 第一篇: If you want to teach your children about money, giving them pocket money is a good idea. They’re going to need a place to put it, which is how the three-jar system came into existence: one for spending, one for saving and one for giving. Almost every child understands the first jar and has a long list of things they want to spend money on right now. The save jar teaches patience, a concept that parents are constantly trying to reinforce in all sorts of ways. But the give jar is more mysterious. Give to whom? And why give at all? Quite often our answer is to give back because it’s the right thing to do. However, it won’t satisfy your children’s curiosity, so let me suggest another one: One great reason to give is to honor your own family’s history of being helped. First, this is an opportunity to tell stories about you and your relatives that your children may not have heard before. People they know, perhaps even their mother or father, have benefited from someone else’s donations. And since your family was lucky enough to receive help, it’s only fair that you help some other families, too. In our family, we tell several stories about it. Telling these stories has helped make our present-day volunteer work and donations more real. When my wife and I showed our now 9-year-old daughter how we divided the money we wanted to donate, she understood why we were so generous with others. There are stories waiting for you to tell your children. And once you do, chances are they will know just what to do with that money accumulating in their Give jars.
【題組】41. What is the main purpose of this passage?
(A)To compare the stories told in different families.
(B)To show how money is given to those in need.
(C)To explain how parents can teach children to give.
(D)To introduce a new way of saving money for kids.

10( ).

        Various food items prepared from corn are tasty and yummy and are popular with adults and children alike.It would be difficult to imagine an autumn barbecue without corn on the cob. Corn is loved because of its sweet flavor, but dietitians will tell you this popular vegetable actually can give you more than that.
        Corn can be found in almost all parts of the world. In different countries, corn is available in various colors.The commonly known color is yellow, but blackish red, pink and even blue colored corn can be found in some regions. The yellow colored corn is a rich source of beta-carotene, which forms vitamin A in the body, essential for maintenance of good vision. Corn also has high levels of vitamin B1, B5, vitamin C, and folic acid. The folic acid in corn is now known to be an important factor in preventing heart disease. Moreover, this popular vegetable is high in fiber. In fact, it’s notoriously hard to digest, but its fiber keeps the intestine system active and thus helps tackle some common digestive problems. Last but not least, according to studies carried out at Cornell University in America, corn is a rich source of antioxidants which fight the cancer-causing free radicals. It is said that cooking increases the antioxidants in sweet corn, and they are shown to be effective in fighting tumors in breast cancer and liver cancer.
      Corn is a rich source of many essential nutrients. A meal rich in corn can go a long way in protecting against many diseases. So, now you have every reason to snack on popcorn when watching a movie.

【題組】48. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a nutrient found in corn?
(A) Calcium
(B) Folic acid.
(C) B Vitamins.
(D) Beta-carotene.


