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39. Which of the following statements about the extracellular matrix (ECM) is FALSE?
(A) Collagens are assembled into triple helix in the ER lumen.
(B) Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) contain positively charged carbohydrates.
(C) Chondroitin sulfate is a GAG to be part of proteoglycan.
(D) Elastin is a protein capable of changing conformation.
(E) Fibronectin can directly bind with integrin.


58. Which of the following statements about the regulation of skeletal muscle contraction is FALSE?
(A) Acetylcholine releases and triggers an action potential in muscle fiber.
(B) Action potential is propagated along plasma membrane and down T tubules.
(C) Action potential triggers Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR).
(D) Ca2+ bind to tropomyosin and release myosin-binding sites to initiate muscle contraction.
(E) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a disease of muscle fibers atrophy caused by motor neuron degeneration.


75. Which of the following statements about bacterial gene regulation is FALSE?
(A) Tryptophan binds to activate repressor of trp operon.
(B) Allolactose is an inducer of lac operon.
(C) The product of lac I is the repressor of lac operon.
(D) Inactive repressor turns the repressible operon off.
(E) Catabolite activator protein (CAP) is activated by cAMP in lac operon.


50. During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is incorporated into glucose in _____; water is broken down and oxygen gas produced in _____.
(A) photosystem I; photosystem II
(B) Calvin cycle; photosystem II
(C) photosystem II; Calvin cycle
(D) Calvin cycle; photosystem I
(E) photosystem I; Calvin cycle


41. In octopus, what kind of respiratory pigment can be found?
(A) Hemocyanin
(B) Hemoglobin
(C) Hemophilia
(D) Hemochromatosis
(E) Ferritin


75. In gymnosperms and angiosperms, which one is the correct description?
(A) All gymnosperms are wind-pollinated.
(B) The fossil record shows that angiosperms evolved directly from the Gnetophytes.
(C) Horizontal gene transfer is restricted to prokaryotes and protists.
(D) The fossil record shows that pollen cones of conifers have become increasingly complex through their evolutionary history.
(E) Stamens and carpals are, in fact, modified sporangia-bearing leaves.


49. Which of the following statements regarding balancing selection is FALSE?
(A) The balancing selection maintains genetic diversity in a population.
(B) The balancing selection can create a balanced polymorphism.
(C) Homozygote advantage is usually favored by the balancing selection.
(D) The balancing selection is a type of natural selection which does not always cause the elimination of weaker alleles.
(E) The balancing selection can occur through negative frequency-dependent selection.


36. ________ is produced in the roots of plants. It promotes cell division and growth, and retards the aging of flowers and leaves?
(A) Ethylene
(B) Abscisic acid
(C) Karrikins
(D) Cytokinins
(E) Gibberellins


37. Which of the following statements regarding cytoskeleton is true?
(A) The subunit of microfilaments is tubulin.
(B) The subunit of intermediate filaments can be dyneins.
(C) The subunit of intermediate filaments can be keratin.
(D) The subunit of intermediate filaments can be kinesins.
(E) Microtubules are polymers of alpha and beta actin.


67. The difference between bacteria and archaea is
(A) Membrane-enclosed organelles are present or not.
(B) Circular chromosome.
(C) Streptomycin inhibits growth.
(D) Both A and C.
(E) All of A, B, and C.


74. It is estimated that humans can produce over 1.5 million different types of antibodies. Which of the following statements regarding this extraordinary variation is correct?
(A) V and J domains of antibody light chains are randomly joined.
(B) Random segments of DNA can be removed from antibody genes.
(C) V and J domains of antibody heavy chains are randomly joined.
(D) Cytosines in the variable regions of antibody genes can be converted to uracils via hypermutation.
(E) All of the above.


11. The function of CD4 and CD8 is to assist T cells in
(A) enhancing secretion of proteins such as interferon.
(B) activating B cells and other T cells.
(C) binding of the MHC-antigen complex.
(D) recognition of self cells.
(E) secretion of antibodies specific for each antigen.


