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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(251~275)
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A scorpion and a frog met at the side of a river. The scorpion wanted to cross the river, but he didn’t know how to swim. “Please, Mr. Frog,” he said, “would you carry me across the river?” “I can’t do that,” said the frog. “You are a scorpion, and you will sting me.” “No,” said the scorpion. “I won’t sting you because then we will both drown in the river.” This made sense to the frog, and he agreed to help him. The scorpion climbed onto the back of the frog, and the frog began to swim. When they reached the middle of the river, the scorpion stung the frog. It hurt the frog very much, and they both began to sink under the water. “Why did you sting me?” asked the frog. “Now I will die, and you will surely drown.” “I couldn’t help it,” said the scorpion. “I am a scorpion, and that is what scorpions do. And you knew I was a scorpion when you let me ride on your back.”
【題組】47. Which of the following statements is true about the story?
(A) The scorpion asked the frog to teach him to swim.
(B) The scorpion did what scorpions would do.
(C) The scorpion swam with the frog.
(D) The scorpion helped the frog to swim.


The fans were very disappointed when they learned that the outdoor concert was____due to the coming typhoon.
(A) repeated
(B) failed
(C) canceled
(D) closed


They want to achieve their ___ within a month.
(A) assignment
(B) goal
(C) design
(D) engineer


35 It is very rude of these naughty boys to _______ their classmate's new hair style.
(A) take advantage of
(B) put an end to
(C) make fun of
(D) show respect for


If there is one thing I dislike, it is dogs that bark late at night. An example is my neighbor’s dog across the street from me. My neighbor lets her dog out for about a half hour every night around midnight. ( 14 ) her dog hits the night air, his automatic response is to howl and bark, which he does for a full half hour. He does not seem to bark at anything in particular. ( 15 ) , barking seems to be his form of nightly exercise. I want to be a good neighbor, so I try not to ( 16 ) too much, but I’m getting very tired of that midnight serenade.
(A) defend
(B) complain
(C) intrude
(D) threaten


My cell phone doesn't work. I forgot to ____ the battery.
(A) receive
(B) return
(C) release
(D) recharge


【題組】 Georgia O’Keeffe’s belief that she could become a famous artist was rare among women of her time. She was born in 1887 and at that time it was accepted that woman art students would become teachers. Actually, O’Keeffe did take a job as an art instructor after her studies in New York. In 1918 she moved to New York, where her work was already starting to be noticed. In just a few years she was praised as the greatest woman artist of her time, the first woman artist to excel in America at a time when most artists were men. She painted in bright colors and a modern style and became more famous every day. But she was still different. She wore men’s clothes and long black dresses. She did not talk much. When she did, she was often angry. It was the only way she knew how to express herself, other than through the art. In 1946, O’Keeffe moved to New Mexico. She lived in an adobe house in a tiny village called Abiquiu, at the end of 20 miles of dirt road. It had spectacular views of the New Mexico landscape, of the mountains and valleys, of sunrises and sunsets. It was here that Georgia O’Keeffe lived an isolated life for the next 30 years and produced her greatest works of art. She became the best-known American woman artist of the 20th century, more famous than even she had ever imagined.

【題組】How old was O’Keeffe when she died? 

(A) 78 years old
(B) 80 years old
(C) 89 years old
(D) 64 years old


The rise of oil prices made scientists search for new energy resources to _______ oil.
(A) apply
(B) replace
(C) inform
(D) persuade


Look at all those candles on my cake. I do not think I can ______ them out.
(B) end
(C) blow
(D) drop


The businessman is very ______; he gives money to those who are in need of help.
(A) dependent
(B) expensive
(C) generous
(D) rapid


The victim of the plane crash stayed ______ for two weeks, and then died last night.
(A) alive
(B) central
(C) obvious
(D) rough


38 Janet is very _____. Everyone expects that she’s bound to score high in the exam.
(A) doubtful
(B) inferior
(C) superficial
(D) intelligent


41-45 Most Americans do not realize that the tradition of Halloween comes from Ireland and Scotland. It originated from Celts who lived in what is now France and the British Isles over 2000 years ago. A harvest festival was celebrated on October 31st and it also marked the beginning of the long, dark, cold winter. People then believed that the spirits of the dead walked upon the earth in the darkness so great fires were built on the hills to protect the people from bad spirits. Turnips were hollowed out and put a candle inside. When people went outside, they carried them to protect themselves from evil spirits. When the settlers came to America, they brought this custom with them. But they did not have turnips, so they used pumpkins instead. Now, children especially look forward to Halloween and the carving of pumpkins. As Halloween approaches, jack-o’-lanterns pop up on doorsteps everywhere. 
【題組】44 Why did people carry a hollowed turnip with a candle in it 2000 years ago?
(A) They used the hollowed turnip as light source.
(B) They tried to protect themselves from bad spirits.
(C) They worked at night.
(D) They needed to keep themselves warm.


7 Last Saturday, I went to Yo-Yo Ma’s concert. His cello music was so beautiful that it left a deep_____ on me.
(A) impression
(B) facility
(C) sympathy
(D) recreation


編號第 22 題至第 25 題為篇章結構,各題請依文意,從四個選項中選出最合適者,各題答案內容不重複。 

Basically, two pivotal notions about the nature of the brain have been nullified. __22__ The second is that the brain steadily loses brain cells after age twenty or so and consequently relentlessly declines in mental capacities.  __23__ But scientists thought older brains lost the capacity to grow, and were fixed and static after puberty. It is now known that brain cells can sprout new dendrites and new synapses, forming new communication networks at any age. Thus, although everyone is born with a fixed number of brain cells, that innate figure does not define mental capacity. __24__ Brains with fewer cells can have just as much, or more, mental capacity than larger brains, depending on the lushness of neurons. The idea that a massive and progressive loss of neurons is an inevitable consequence of aging has also been thoroughly disproved. 
According to Russell L. Blaylock at University of Mississippi Medical Center, “The process by which the brain is ‘wired’ and even ‘rewired’ is referred to as plasticity. __25__ We now know that even the brains of adults are constantly changing and being rewired.”


(A)What counts is the proliferation of connections throughout life.
(B)One is that the brain ceases to grow and change after childhood.  

(C)  No one questioned that young brains grew, changed, and developed.  

(D)Until now scientists have not fully understood how the gray matter functions in many cognitive processes.   


13_____ birth-order theory, middle children usually look outside the family for approval and acceptance and are therefore friendlier than other children.
(A) According to
(B) Apart from
(C) In addition to
(D) In spite of


19 The company’s work schedule is____  ; its employees can choose to work in the morning or in the afternoon.
(A) colorful
(B) flexible
(C) punctual
(D) professional


請依下文回答第 16 題到第 20 題 
    With spacecraft that can carry tourists into orbit and connect Paris to New York in less than two hours, the new heroes of space travel are not astronauts but daring captains of industry. This new breed of space pioneers are all using private money to push the final frontier as government space programs fall away. Times have changed. Once the space race was led by the likes of the U.S. space agency NASA that put the first man on the moon in 1969. 
    Today it is entrepreneur Elon Musk — the founder of Tesla electric cars and space exploration company Space—who wants to reach Mars in the 2020s. The furthest advanced — and most highly publicized — private space project is led by Richard Branson, the British founder of the Virgin Group. His shuttle, SpaceShipTwo, will be launched at high altitude from a weird-looking four-engined mother ship — which can carry two pilots and up to six passengers —before embarking on a three-hour suborbital flight. 
    Branson and his sons will be the first passengers aboard the shuttle when it is expected to launch late 2014. His company Virgin Galactic was given the green light in May by the U.S. Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) to carry passengers from a base in New Mexico, which is named “Spaceport America” — the stuff of science fiction. 
    The US$250,000 price of a ticket has not deterred more than 600 people, including celebrities such as actor Leonardo Di Caprio, from booking their seats.

【題組】17 According to this passage, who intends to reach Mars in the 2020s?
(A) Richard Branson
(B) Leonardo Di Caprio
(C) Elon Musk


39 A: You look so fit. Do you exercise a lot? B: Well, yeah, I go jogging for almost an hour in the early morning. A:_____ B: About five days a week. A: No wonder you look so good.
(A) How often do you do that?
(B) How long do you exercise?
(C) When do you go jogging?
(D) How much time do you spend on that?


240. One who often breaks his or her promises can’t earn the _____ from others.


274. A happy family must ____ love and trust.
(A) engage in
(B) put aside
(C) be faced with
(D) be based on


35 Jack said his neighbor bit a dog yesterday. It was absolutely______ to us.
(A) unmarketable
(B) unbelievable
(C) interactive
(D) introductory


33 We may easily _____ salespeople who approach us on the street, but we often surrender without knowing it to the ultimate salesman: mass media.
(A) rebound
(B) reject
(C) reduplicate
(D) repeat


3 Mozart was a great composer and_______musician from a very young age. He could compose music when he was only five.
(A) controversial
(C) retarded


40 The effects of dumping trash, litter, oil spills, plastic, and various toxic waste into the sea has ________ the ocean and has led to a gradual loss of marine life and their habitat.
(A) confused
(B) disordered
(C) exposed
(D) polluted


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(251~275)-阿摩線上測驗
