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38 Our teacher keeps telling us that using _____ can help us understand the meaning and usage of unknown words.
(A) dictionaries
(B) messages
(C) telegraphs
(D) menus


12 It is a pity the T-shirt of my size is out of ________ now.
(A) stork
(B) stick
(C) stock
(D) strike


5 Mr. Morgan strongly _________ of his daughter’s marriage to a divorced man and refused to attend their wedding.


10. Two suspects were caught because their motorcycle’s _______ was captured by a CCTV camera.
(A) registration
(B) zip code
(C) plate number
(D) phone number
(E) driver’s license


37 Nobody likes to be ill, especially when _____ in a foreign country.
(A) he traveling
(B) travels
(C) traveling
(D) travel


8 The supermarkets try to satisfy everyone’s needs by selling a wide ______ of goods.
(A) product
(B) service
(C) variety
(D) account


43 The oil of the landlocked country does not flow easily as it is left isolated from global markets.
(A) The markets of the country are isolated and its oil becomes expensive.
(B) The country blocks the oil pipelines so that its oil would not flow to other countries.
(C) Due to geographic barriers, the country has difficulty transporting and selling its oil.
(D) The global trade organization isolates the country and forces it to lower the price of its oil.


Dr. Henry Lee is a world famous forensic scientist and an expert _________.
(A) seeing person
(B) witness
(C) judge
(D) addict
(E) defendant


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: The feeling that clouds and rain seem more likely to occur on weekends may be more than just a myth. Weekend weather does differ from weekday weather in certain places, according to researchers who studied more than 40 years of daily temperature readings from 10,000 weather stations worldwide. In their study, the researchers focused on temperature differences between daytime highs and nighttime lows. This difference measurement is called the diurnal temperature range, or DTR. Part of the study involved 660 weather stations in the continental United States. At more than 230 of these sites, the researchers found that the average DTR for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday was different from the average DTR for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Although the difference was small—only several tenths of a Celsius degree, the pattern was striking enough to make the scientists take notice. That is, the DTR changes on a 7-day cycle. This sort of weekly rise and fall doesn’t line up with any natural cycles, the researchers say. Instead, it is the human activities—possibly air pollution caused by those activities—that are responsible for these weather effects. For example, tiny particles in the polluted air could effect the amount of cloud cover, which would in turn affect daily temperatures. Accordingly, tiny windborne particles from the western part of the United States, generated on weekdays, might first affect weather close to home in the southwest, and then later influence mid-western weather. So, stop feeling like the weekend weather is out to get us. It simply has a lot do with which way the wind blows and where it comes from.
【題組】48 In what way can the finding of the research be considered important?
(A)It helps us better understand what DTR means.
(B)It provides evidence of human impact on climate.
(C)It shows how mysterious natural cycles are.
(D)It explains why temperature drops when night comes.


請依下文回答第 53 題至第 56 題: 
    The Kansas City preventive patrol experiment was a large-scale test of one of policing’s most cherished doctrines: conspicuous and aggressive patrol in all areas of the community at 53 times prevents crime and reduces the public’s fear of crime. 54 with a Police Foundation grant, this 12-month experiment 55 geographical areas or beats covering 32 square miles into reactive, proactive and control beats to test the doctrine of conspicuous and aggressive patrol. The findings were controversial and included such data as no significant 56 in reported crime or arrests across the three types of beat and no significant differences in security measures taken by citizens and businesses.

(A) deviations
(B) types
(C) models
(D) categories


