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Sarah is a wonderful girl, but she is driving her mother crazy. Why? Because she talks constantly on her cell phone. Sarah thinks cell phones are the greatest invention of all time. She loves being able to stay in touch with all of her friends wherever she goes. However, Sarah’s mother gets annoyed because she’s tired of hearing the cell phone ring . She considers it an unwelcome interruption to family conversations. Now she has given Sarah two rules. First, no answering the cell phone during dinnertime. Two, no using the cell phone while driving. It is very dangerous to drive and talk on a cell phone. Sarah has promised to follow these rules, and she tries not to use her cell phone too much when she is with her mother.
【題組】41 What can you infer about Sarah’s mother from the paragraph?
(A)She doesn’t have a cell phone.
(B)She likes to hear the cell phone ring.
(C)She thinks that cell phone is the greatest invention of all time.
(D)She is quite bothered by Sarah’s constant talking on the phone.


12 David: Why are you so excited today? Danielle: ________. David: Have you read it?
(A) I got a present from my father
(B) I got a good grade on the English exam
(C) I got a letter from my pen pal
(D) I got a call from my boyfriend


14 Melanie forgot______ her parents in Taiwan when she arrived safely in America.
(A) called
(B) to call
(C) being called
(D) to be called


第 41 題至第 45 題,請依文意,從四個選項中選出最合適者
     Starting in the 1930s, LEGO’s founder Ole Kirk Christiansen had created toys using wood and other materials. When a fire in 1960  41  the company’s warehouse containing wooden toys, Christiansen decided to concentrate all efforts on one single product: the plastic LEGO brick. LEGO bricks are not associated with  42 , sex, political viewpoints, or controversial topics, and the company has deliberately sought to develop a “safe” image.  43 , during the last decades this image of LEGO has also come to present a problem, because children increasingly  44  more teenage-like leisure activities, influenced by adult topics circulating in the media. For the growing generation of “tween”-agers, this safe image could easily be synonymous with “  45 .”

(A) offered
(B) enriched
(C) destroyed
(D) remodeled


