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29. The prosecutors _____ former President Ma Ying-jeou on the charge of leaking state secrets in a case dating back to September of 2013.
(A) indicated
(B) indicted
(C) informed
(D) insured


1. After being _______by the police for two days, Johnson signed a confession.
(A) witnessed
(B) grilled
(C) probated
(D) incited


26.If the victim’s actions helped the offender commit the crime, then changes in victim behavior should assist in ________ the crime.
(A) preventing
(B) impeding
(C) existing
(D) hindering
(E) hampering


        In 1973, President Nixon adopted the 55-mph national speed __21__ as a measure to save fuel. The measure succeeded in reducing speeds on the nation’s highways, breaking an unbroken trend of increasing speed that began __22__ the early 1940s. The adoption of such policy had a significant impact __23__ the nation. With the reduction in speeds on U. S. highways came a significant drop in accident and fatality __24__ , as well as a reduction in the total number of highway deaths nationwide __25__ year.



 A Spanish bullfighter was __(21)__ in Peru, and his father wants to know why his son’s body was returned to Spain with several organs __(22)__. The bullfighter’s father will travel to Peru and will not rest __(23)__ justice is served. The body of his 22-year-old son was __(24)__ in July on a beach near Lima a week after he went missing. The young man was __(25)__ to death with a blunt object. Four people, three policemen __(26)__, confessed to the crime. They said they wanted to steal the $1,200 the young man had been paid after a bullfighting __(27)__. A(n) __(28)__ was conducted in Peru, and the young man’s body was sent to his family in Spain three days later. A second examination in the Spanish capital showed that he was missing several organs. Even today, the mystery still remains __(29)__. (excerpted from GEPT Cloze Test by Jolihi Press, 2004)

(A) until
(B) ahead
(C) behind
(D) because
(E) during


